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动物细胞有很多的细胞器官。Animal cell has a lot of organelle.

最后,我们看到一个细胞只发现植物细胞体内。Finally, we see an organelle only found within plant cells.

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在这里您可以看到一个名为颗粒细胞的核糖体。Here you can see a particulate organelle called the ribosome.

成熟卵子内已有基本完整的细胞器结构。There were basically complete organelle structure in matural oocyte.

顶质体是顶复门原虫所特有的一种类似植物质体的细胞器。Apicoplast is a unique organelle similar to plant plastid organelles.

结果表明,色素体是海带受侵染初期最为敏感的细胞器。The results show that the pigment body is the most sensitive organelle.

自由基主要破坏细胞及细胞器的膜性结构。Free-radicals mostly destroy membranaceous structures of cell and organelle.

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这器官产生三磷酸腺苷,能源分子所使用的其他许多细胞过程。This organelle produces ATP, an energy molecule that is used by many other cellular processes.

本文对隐孢子虫线粒体存在的依据及其可能具有的功能作一综述。This article reviews the evidence for the organelle in Cryptosporidium and its probable function.

在一些最新时间,一些或大多细胞器基因一定转移了到中坚力量。At some later time, some or most of the organelle genes must have been transferred to the nucleus.

氢化酶体是虫体的代谢产能重要细胞器。The hydrogenosome was an important organelle for metabolism and producing energy of the parasites.

电镜下裸核有明显核仁,核周围有溶酶体等散落的细胞器。There is distinct nucleolus the naked nucleus and some dispersed organelle as lysosome around the nucleus.

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因此认为,苦皮藤素V主要作用于中肠细胞的质膜及其内膜系统。It is thus suggested that celangulin V might act on the plasmalemma and the organelle membrane of the midgut cells.

生物电化学传感器包括酶、微生物、组织、免疫和细胞器传感器。One hundred and twenty one literatures related to enzymatic, microbial, tissue, immuno, and organelle sensors were cited.

植物细胞中存在于细胞质中的由液泡膜包裹,其内充满液体,大小可变的细胞器。Vacuole A fluid-filled organelle of variable size found in the cytoplasm and separated from it by a single membrane, the TONOPLAST.

这些在核仁水平的研究中已经首次提供了一个在细胞器水平下研究全局的蛋白含量的特点。These studies in the nucleolus have provided the first global characterization of the flux of proteins through a cellular organelle.

一种被膜包住的小器官,存在于大多数细胞的细胞质中,内含多种水解酶,在细胞内消化中起作用。A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells containing various hydrolytic enzymes that function in intracellular digestion.

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从而在超微结构水平对细胞及细胞器连续切片的三维重建研究作了初步探索。Thereby a elementary research of 3-D reconstruction of cell and organelle was made under ultrastructure level by serial ultrathin slices.

叶绿体是植物进行光合作用的细胞器,“内共生学说”认为叶绿体起源于蓝藻类的原核生物。Chloroplast is an organelle specialized for carrying out photosynthesis in plants and descended from cyanobacteria according to endosymbiosis.

细胞壁是铜的主要存储位置,其次是细胞液部分,而含细胞器的部分中铜所占比例最低。Most of Cu was bound to the cell wall fraction and secondly cytoplasm fraction and only a small quantity of Cu was bound to organelle fractions.