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注意胸鳍肌肉,这是每日护理的一个部分。Pay special attention to the pectoral muscles.

朋友咳嗽,咯血,胸痛一周。The friend coughs, haemoptysis , pectoral painful a week.

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可能是分离的,也可能向前连接到肩带。May be free, or may attach anteriorly to the pectoral girdle.

他以扇动胸鳍的方式来为受精卵供氧。He oxygenates the eggs by fanning them with his pectoral fins.

他在她胸肢带骨的变形周线间漫步。He walked among the displaced contours of her pectoral girdle.

他在她胸肢带骨的变形周线间漫步。He walked among the displaced contours of her pectoral girdle.

由于膈肌紧张,最好采用胸式呼吸。Because midriff flesh is nervous, had better use pectoral type breath.

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前肢骨包括肩带骨和游离前肢骨。Forelimb bones included pectoral girdle bone and dissociative forelimb bones.

位于靠近头后面的更小的胸鳍用于控制方向。Even smaller pectoral fins located near the back of the head are used for steering.

方法所用胸大肌肌皮瓣制作成横形并列双叶瓣形式进行转移。Method The pectoral major myocutaneous was transfered with horizontal double lobe flaps.

多数细长的无鳞海水鱼,有大的胸和退化的。Elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins.

肩带过紧或太细都可能引起肩背劳损。The pectoral girdle is excessively tight or too thin possibly causes shoulders the strain.

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在繁忙的运动,你的胸肌挤压在一起一数,如果你能。At the peak of the movement, squeeze your pectoral muscles together for one-count if you can.

背鳍、脂鳍和尾鳍稍带浅黄色,胸鳍、腹鳍和臀鳍灰白色。Dorsal fin , tail fin and fat fins slightly yellow, pectoral fin , and ventral fin Tunqi gray.

这个由黄金和玻璃制成的胸饰护身符发现于埃及卢克索附近的图坦卡门陵墓。This gold-and-glass pectoral amulet was discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun near Luxor, Egypt.

前臂的骨骼呈现的比例,非常像真掌鳍鱼的胸鳍。The bones of the forearm displayed proportions reminiscent of the pectoral fin of Eusthenopteron.

哑铃飞是一个拳击运动的加强和提高耐力胸肌。The dumbbell fly is a boxing exercise that strengthens the pectoral muscles and improves endurance.

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三对披甲的肢脚和一对导航胸鳍协助这一水泵式运动。The three pairs of armored legs assist in this pumping motion, as do a pair of pectoral guidance fins.

这个练习几乎锻炼所有各部分胸肌,但事先需要热身。This exercise develops literally every tract of the pectoral muscle, but requires some proper warm up.

他这时看得见它们那又宽又扁的铲子形的头,和尖端呈白色的宽阔的胸鳍。He could see their wide, flattened, shovel-pointed heads now and their white tipped wide pectoral fins.