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我猜想不出他的动机。I couldn't cipher out his motives.

凯撒密码很容易破解。The Caesar cipher is easy to break.

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现在可以进行密文块链接了。I am now ready for cipher block chaining.

孩童们正在练习计算和唱歌。The children learn to cipher and to sing.

新的目录同样继承相同的密码。New directories also inherit the same cipher.

一种将简单的文体译成密码的装置。A device for translating plain text into cipher.

所有重要计划均以密码送往警方。All important plans were sent to the police in cipher.

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流密码模式一次一位对数据进行编码。The stream cipher mode encodes data one bit at a time.

用于加密文件的密码是继承而来的密码。The cipher used to encrypt files is the inherited cipher.

网络安全产品中,大都需要使用密码算法。Most network-security product needs some cipher algorithm.

目的由种子密钥生成非周期密码序列。Aim How to produce non-periodic sequence cipher by seed key.

好吧,我开始搜肠刮肚尝试用德语作答。Very well, I begin to cipher out the German for that answer.

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表音密码的性质是个令人着迷的理论性问题。The nature of the cipher is a fascinating theoretical question.

NP类问题的一个例子是打破一个128位的数字密码。An example of an NP type problem is breaking a 128-bit digital cipher.

数据加密方面,用改进的ECC对数据加解密。In data ciphering, it adopts improved ECC to cipher and decipher data.

只有当可调分组密码是强安全的时候,TAE模式才是安全的。Only when the tweakable block cipher is strong will the TAE be secure.

所以本文对自同步流密码进行研究。Therefore, this article on the self-synchronizing stream cipher to study.

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自行车双钥匙密码锁是由密码盒部件、锁盒部件、钥匙等部件组成。A dual-key cipher lock for bike consists of cipher box, lock box and keys.

很多分析家认为第一夫人简直就是一个难解之谜。At least one political analyst finds the First Lady something of a cipher.

处于安全性和效率的考虑,所有加密均采用流加密。In consideration of security and performence, uses stream cipher for encryption.