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他们不要一律平等和严密的组织。They don't want equality and regimentation.

她曾反抗刻板的学校生活。She rebelled against the regimentation of school life.

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你知道军营式的严格管制是被你的国家的敌人所迫使的。You know regimentation was forced by your country's enemies.

第一章讨论了奴婢的定义和类别问题。Chapter one discusses the definition and regimentation of slaves.

反对全国性的政府权威,维护地方文化。Return to an appreciation of idiosyncrasy as against state regimentation.

采用进口特殊防锈涂料防止脱皮和类别。Using the imported special antirust paint prevents desquamation and regimentation.

在一家以精确生产及军事化管理著称工厂工作并不容易。Working at a company known for its precision manufacturing and military-style regimentation is not easy.

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在一家以精确生产及军事化管理著称工厂工作并不容易。Working at a company known for its precision manufacturing and military-style regimentation is not easy. Mr.

学生,我反对本团队组的课程,如机械制图,转向化学代替。Student I reacted negatively to the regimentation of courses such as mechanical drawing and shifted to chemistry instead.

当社会变得越来越复杂,并且思想和行动为了效率而被迫组织编制起来。As society is becoming more and more complex and organized, regimentation of thought and action is being enforced for the sake of efficiency.

日本的礼仪文化渗入了生活每个细节,为刻板而理化的现代时空找出活泼的基础。Ritual awareness seeps into the pore of daily living in Japan, creating a separate source of inspiration within the regimentation of modern life.

中国正在开展的雄心勃勃而富于变化的计划在一个长期被强权控制的社会中会造成紧张和裂痕。The ambitious, flexible programs that China has begun will produce tensions and fissures in a society long controlled by force and regimentation.

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芒福德反对现代社会的严格控制和机械化,他肯定了宗教对抵消工业化带来的影响起了作用。Against the regimentation and the mechanization of modernity, Mumford affirms the contribution of religions to offset the effects of industrialization.

为了实现国家经济总动员,你心甘情愿地放弃了许多自由。你明白这种严密的组织化管理是为了对抗国家的敌人而迫不得已的。To permit total mobilization of your country's economy, you gladly surrender many freedoms. You know regimentation was forced by your country's enemies.

三年了,她只回过一次家。像全世界成千上万的年轻人那样,她必须为了帮助家庭和实现梦想而忍受孤立与管制。Like millions of young people around the world, she must suffer isolation and regimentation for the opportunity to help her family and accomplish her dreams.

实际上,他对严格的管制的需要是如此的强烈,以至于他在内化那些僵硬呆板的东西时增加了内脏的紧张程度,体内出现药理学的问题。In fact, his need for strict regimentation is so strong that he develops medical troubles in the center of the body from personalizing a stiffness that increases tension on the inner organs.

要防止外来人口的边缘化,必须从户籍、政府管理和组织化程度等多方面防范和遏制。To keep foreign population from turning to an edge, we have to guard against and suppress in many ways such as the household register, the government management and regimentation degree etc.