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手板葫芦是葫芦的一种。Palm gourd is a gourd.

环链葫芦是葫芦的一种。Chain hoist is a kind of gourd.

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然后把冬瓜放在盘内。Then on the plate with wax gourd.

这种机器叫手板葫芦。This machine is called palm gourd.

气动环链葫芦是葫芦的一种。Pneumatic chain hoist is a kind of gourd.

丝瓜那绿油油的蔓条攀满了瓜架。They were covered with the vines of towel gourd.

不要以为头上顶坨屎,自己就是金刚葫芦娃。Don't think head top shit, he is King Kong gourd.

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我和妈妈带着丰收的喜悦摘下了丝瓜。Mom and I took off the towel gourd harvest of joy.

大的蓝边碗里一碗冬瓜汤,也是五分钱。A large bowl of white gourd soup also cost five Fen.

一日,一个瘦小的冬瓜被遗弃在了小河边。Day, a thin wax gourd was abandoned in a small river.

要适当多吃一些苦味的食物,如苦瓜等。Due to some bitterness eat food, such as bitter gourd.

烫花的手工艺葫芦,非常漂亮。The handicrafts gourd of pyrographic , very beautiful.

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苦瓜能抑制HIV解聚酶的活性。Bitter gourd depolymerization can inhibit HIV activity.

他是为了自己的官位才乱放“葫芦”的。He was to leave about their position before the "gourd".

石雕、龙凤树、如意宝葫芦等更为一绝。Stone carving, dragon and phoenix tree, as more a gourd.

一种叫做丝瓜的葫芦科作物被用来制造海绵。A kind of gourd called the luffa is used to make sponges.

图一、冬瓜萎凋病在田间的病徵。Fig. 1. Symptoms of Fusarium wilt of wax gourd at a field.

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都来种眉豆、种丝瓜。就种在南墙根儿。To them, a kind of towel gourd. Species in the south wall.

苦瓜,起源于印度,分布于热带、亚热带地区。Bitter gourd is distributed to tropics and subtropics area.

我想到的下一个是倭瓜,再其次是南瓜和葫芦。I think of the pumpkin next, then the squash and the gourd.