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总统控告德克尔。President Sue Decker.

总统同意了。The president agreed.

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有一位长大当了总统。Grew up to be President.

我是这一团体的主席。I'm the president of it.

我们追随总统。We follow our president.

大会主席,谢谢您。Thank you. Mr. President.

我曾见过李总统。I have seen President Lee.

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而是帮助总统。But to enhance the president.

爱尔兰总统魏茨曼.C。C. Weizmann. Irish president.

他们选定李先生为下任主席。Mr Lee as the next president.

他密谋做董事长。He schemed to become president.

我想提名简为俱乐部主席。Jane for president of the club.

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对于每位总统来说都是那样。That's true of every president.

在那一点上总统讲错了。The President misspoke on that.

尊敬的孔达副总统阁下Your Honor Vice President Kunda

我认为我们需要一位新总裁。I think we need a new president.

卡尔扎伊是一个弱势的总统。Karzai is an "effete" President.

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林肯总统出身贫窭。President Lincoln was born poor.

总统小奥黑一定在开玩笑吧。President Obama must be kidding.

副总统坐在椅上,默不做声。The Vice President sits quietly.