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可以装法兰克福香肠的长条面包。A long bun shaped to hold a frankfurter.

短细的、两头砍掉的法兰克福香肠。Short slender frankfurter usually with ends cut off.

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在热狗的家乡德国,人们通常称它为“法兰克福特”,它得名于一个德国城市法兰克福。In its home country of Germany, the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt, a German city.

我们有鸡汤,玉米汤,和土豆葱汤。有没有什么汤里是放切片的法兰克福香肠,和自制的油煎面包块的?,没有。We have chicken, tortilla and potato leek. Could I get any of those with little frankfurter slices And homemade croutons? No.

鸡蛋做得不错,可是香肠和培根…我只吃了一小寸法兰克福特熏肠,而她只吃了薄薄的一片培根。The eggs were great but the sausage or bacon choice meant I got a one inch frankfurter and she got a single thin rasher of bacon.

作为演员查理卓别林,教育家杜威,法律等著名教授费利克斯法兰克福特在被告的美国人。Such famous Americans as actor Charlie Chaplin, educator John Dewey, and law professor Felix Frankfurter were among those accused.

法兰克福汇报称它是“一本非凡、感人肺腑和令人自觉卑微的小说,也许是这个秋天最难忘的阅读体验”。The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called it "phenomenal, moving and humbling novel, perhaps the most memorable read of the autumn".

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引用需求下降,该公司可能很快恢复大规模生产药物,德国出版法兰克福报道。Citing falling demand, the company may soon scale back production of the drug, the German publication Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports.

我还没有用尽一切,“巴拉克告诉法兰克福卫报,“但是在体力方面我已经达到极限了。"I'm not running on reserve just yet, " Ballack told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, "but I have reached my limit in terms of the physical demands. "

“如果欧洲人提供武器,欧洲的后院会成为恐怖分子的目标,欧洲将付出代价,”他告诉法兰克福汇报。"If the Europeans deliver weapons, the backyard of Europe will become terrorist, and Europe will pay the price for it, " he told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

在致法兰克福日报的公开信中,这两大组织呼吁尽快达成基于车辆二氧化碳排放的汽车业减税协议.In an open letter to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the VDA auto association and IG Metall called for a quick agreement on car tax relief based on vehicles' CO2 emissions.

1939年早期,布兰代斯就宣布从最高法院辞职。同时,他托付费舍尔将权力转交给下一任最高法院法官菲利克斯法兰克福。In early 1939, Brandeis announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, and Fisher was invited to transfer to the chambers of the recently appointed Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter.