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今天下午我觉得有点困。I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon.

柔软的沙发让人忍不住就想睡在上面。Soft sofa lets a person cannot help dozy above.

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也许我吃得太多了,所以昏昏欲睡。Maybe I eat too much and that's what makes me dozy.

受感染的学生觉得想睡、呕吐,他补充说。The affected students felt dozy and vomiting, he added.

他还表示,受影响的学生感到困倦,有呕吐的感觉。The affected students felt dozy and vomiting, he added.

为什么夜深了头痛难受但还不想睡?Why late at night have a headache afflictive but not dozy still?

当接到线索后,警方发现一位非常困乏的窃贼睡在旧游泳池中。A dozy thief was found sleeping in a former swimming pool during a raid to grab copper wiring.

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如果你在一种困倦的状态下来完成考试,起初熬夜学习的目标便会破灭。You just defeat the purpose of studying in the first place if you try to take a test in a dozy 8 haze 9.

在我的课堂上,学生从来不会犯困或是无聊,因为我充分把孩子的喜好和英语结合起来。My students never feel dozy or bored, because I combine English learning with the stuff they really love.

咖啡让我立即清醒,让我觉得“我很好,我只是有一点小困。”That immediate caffeine buzz wakes me up, and makes me think "Hey, I'm fine, I was just a bit dozy first thing."

是由低变应原,不破坏生态环境的竹纤维制成,催眠海豚是所有年龄的小朋友睡觉时最佳的伙伴。Made from hypoallergenic, eco-friendly bamboo fabric, Dozy Dolphin is the perfect bedtime companion for children of all ages.

这些时间,我总是失眠。本来是好想睡的,可大脑就是要去想事情。怎么也睡不着。These time, I always am insomnia. It is very dozy originally, but brain should consider an issue namely. How to also sleep to be not worn.

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这个慵懒的拥抱凝固为他们分离岁月中的甜蜜回忆,定格为他们艰难生活中的永恒一刻,朴实无华,由衷喜悦。Later, that dozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single moment of artless, charmed happiness in their separate and difficult lives.

催眠海豚是一款互动的毛绒玩具,发出有趣的声音,在小朋友准备入睡时,都会想要去听听舒缓的声音。Dozy Dolphin is an interactive plush toy that plays fun sounds when your children want to play, and plays soothing sounds when they are ready to sleep.

然而,总的来说——由于一些半死不活的公司所带来的长尾效应——英国的制造企业与它们美国、日本、德国和瑞典的同行相比业绩糟糕。In the aggregate, however—thanks to a long tail of dozy firms—manufacturers in Britain score badly against their American, Japanese, German and Swedish counterparts.