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接受Mustafa,帮助我再次接受自己。Accepting Mustafa helped me accept myself again.

穆斯塔法会说话,但他是一个人说个不停。Mustafa can speak, but he repeats himself a lot.

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第一个趋势是由已故的谢赫穆斯塔法基地-扎尔卡。The first trend was led by the late Sheikh Mustafa Al-Zarqa.

但是这里却是马斯塔夫最容易受到攻击的地方。Yet this is the very place where Mustafa is most vulnerable.

昨天据报道这一组织宣布穆斯塔法·阿布·亚齐德的死亡。It reportedly announced the death of Mustafa Abu Yazid yesterday.

一家鞋店的雇员沙班举着一块标语牌,他呼吁要赋予他们更多的权利。Shoe store employee Mustafa Shaaban held up a sign calling for more rights.

巴勒斯坦议员巴尔古提认为以色列军队使用武力过当。Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti says it was excessive use of force.

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穆斯塔法和阿迪尔则每天都会用手机联络好几次,确定对方是否安好。Mustafa and Adil use their mobile phones several times a day to check on each other.

霍姆斯市市长加桑·穆斯塔法说,这是一起“恐怖和犯罪活动”。Holmes Mayor Ghassan Mustafa said that this was a "terrorist and criminal activities."

在叙利亚接受训练的穆斯塔法病情很有起色,她说,她看到了变化。The training Mustafa is receiving in Syria is helping, she says. She already sees changes.

过渡委员会主席贾利勒同时宣布,选举将于八个月之内举行。The TNC head, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, also announced that elections will be held in eight months.

该委员会负责人阿卜杜勒。加里尔说,该组织正在寻求政治认可。S. officials. Council head Mustafa Abdul-Jalil says the group is seeking political recognition.

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该委员会是由前内政部长穆斯塔法利比亚阿卜杜勒贾利勒,谁叛逃上个月。The council is led by former Libyan Interior Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who defected last month.

国家过渡委员会领导人贾里尔称有关事件是无意的。The head of the National Transition Council, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, called the incident unintentional.

NTC领导人穆斯塔法。阿卜杜勒。贾利勒面对欢呼的人群,感谢上帝为他们带来胜利。The head of the NTC, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, thanked God for their victory before a massive celebratory crowd.

利比亚副总理穆斯塔法。阿布。沙谷尔谴责杀害美国外交官员的行为是一个懦弱的行动。Libyan deputy prime minister Mustafa Abu Shagour condemned the killing of the US diplomats as a cowardly act.

当穆斯塔法-阿卜杜勒贾利勒走下从班加西过来的飞机时现场一片混乱。There were chaotic scenes when Mustafa Abdul Jalil emerged from the aircraft that had brought him from Benghazi.

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但是,穆斯塔法阿卜杜勒贾利勒,谁作为主要反对党领袖出现,给了人们的反抗英国广播公司采访。But Mustafa Abdul Jalil, who has emerged as the main opposition leader, has given a defiant interview to the BBC.

不管是哪种情况,她最终住进了医院,并引起了拉马拉地方长官穆斯塔法·以撒的注意。Either way she wound up in hospital, and her case came to the attention of the Governor of Ramallah, Mustafa Issa.

美国国务院官员跟叙利亚驻美国大使穆斯塔法也在此前举行过会谈。It also follows meetings between State Department officials and Syria's ambassador Imad Mustafa to the United States.