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好让你自己生动地现身说法。That you your self being extant well might show.

但是今日这些传播途径已不复见孔子的身影。Today these spreading routs are no longer extant.

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原子能是现存的最大能源。Nuclear energy is the bigest energy in the extant.

是中国现存古代牌坊中最大的一座。It is the largest extant ancient memorial archway in China.

这是现存最早的专着和饮食治疗。It is the extant and earliest monograph on dietetic treatment.

日本七鳃鳗是现存最原始而特化的脊椎动物之一。Japanese Lamprey is one of the most primitive extant vertebrate.

阿基米德现存的三部著作都是献给平面几何的。Three of Archimedes' extant works are devoted to plane geometry.

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可是开城的最后的南北合作项目还仍然存在着。Kaesong is the last inter-Korean cooperation project still extant.

他是一位高产作家,写了60多种杂剧,流传至今的有18种。He was a prolific writer, producing over 60 plays, 18 of which are extant.

现存古窑址数十处,以观台窑址最为著名。Among the extant ancient kilns, the most famous one is Guangtai Kiln Relic.

白玉卧佛是中国现存最大的玉佛。The White Jade Reclining Buddha is the biggest jade Buddha extant in China.

此外,也将是一个现存的内部文化的劳动大军。In addition, there will also be an extant internal culture within the workforce.

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从元杂剧现存的剧本看,渗透着丰富的喜剧性因素。Rich comic factors are reflected in the extant scripts of zaju of the Yuan dynasty.

飞机残骸最大的也不超过一本电话号码簿。The largest pieces of the plane still extant are barely bigger than a telephone book.

古典希伯来字母也称阿拉米字母,其中典型的例子是摩押石板。This is also called early Aramaic Script. The key extant example is the Moabite Stone.

我觉得他想说“德隆是紧接着保罗,在目前联盟中第二个横空出世的顶尖控位。”Next to the league's newest superstar, Chris Paul, D-Will is the second-best point extant.

蟑螂是现存最久的有翼昆虫,已有3亿年的历史了。The cockroach is the oldest extant winged insect, dating back more than 300 million years.

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孔子的姓氏,“孔”拥有最长的谱系记录并仍然现存在当今世界上。Confucius's family, the Kongs, has the longest recorded still extant pedigree in the world today.

弗雷德说,“我喜欢这个会展大楼,它是现存最杰出的古典建筑之一。I love the exhibition building. It’s one of the finest extant examples of classical architecture.

分析周村古城的历史和现状,总结周村古城的特点价值及其存在的问题。Sum up the historical and cultural city characteristic of Zhoucun and extant problem of old city.