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直接采样微波辐射计是微波辐射计的发展方向之一。The DSMR is one developing sub-areas of microwave radiometer.

月球探测辐射计实验将映射月球表面的温度。The Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment will map surface temperature.

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重点介绍了辐射仪的组成与参数选择。The structure and the choice of parameters of the radiometer are emphasized.

FY-2扫描辐射计是我国风云二号静止气象卫星的有效载荷之一。FY-2 scanning radiometer is one of FengYun-2 still weather satellite availability loads.

喜马拉雅山脉的地形被反射辐射计紫菀,这苍蝇在美国航天局的Terra卫星。Himalayan topography captured by Reflection Radiometer ASTER, which flies on NASA's Terra.

这些特征变化,地基12通道微波辐射计都可以观测得到。All these atmospheric characteristics can be observed by the ground-based 12-channel radiometer.

在被动工作方式时是一台迪克型毫米波辐射计,测量烟雾的辐射特性。And in passive mode, it is a Dicke millimeter wave radiometer that measures radiation characteristic.

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奥普拉契科娃把一些蘑菇放在连着一台辐射计的灰色衬铅砖箱里,然后盯住了辐射计的指针。Oplachikova puts some mushrooms in a gray, lead-lined brick box wired to a radiometer and eyes the needle.

星载辐射计为实现大尺度土壤水分的监测提供了有效途径。The space borne microwave radiometer is an efficient way to monitor the soil moisture variety in large-scale.

文中介绍了一种对地观测旋转扫描辐射计星上定标系统的设计。This paper introduces a design of spaceborne calibration system for earth observation rotating scan radiometer.

该卫星携带一台被动无线电波探测器,可以捕获地球表面发出的微波辐射。The satellite carries a passive radiometer that captures the microwave radiation emanating from the Earth’s surface.

操作者可以通过液晶显示屏很容易的观察到辐射仪和辐射源的距离和辐射值。Operator through the LCD screen can be easily observed from the radiometer and radiation sources and radiation values.

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他说,不同密度的海水产生不同的能量,辐射计测量海水的微波辐射,科学家依靠这些微波用数学公式计算海水的盐分水平。He says different intensities of saltwater produce different energy. The radiometer measures microwaves from the water.

首先讨论了一般目标的毫米波辐射特性建模和毫米波辐射计测量原理。First, this paper discusses the modeling of objects' radiation characters and the measuring principle of MMW radiometer.

综合孔径微波辐射计是被动微波遥感发展的新方向。Synthetic aperture microwave radiometer represents a new technology being developed for passive microwave remote sensing.

辐射表的指示温度必须对实际大空热辐射与表面比辐射率做校正。The indicated temperature of radiometer need corrections for actual sky thermal radiance and for true surface emissivities.

本文介绍了遥测辐射仪的结构特点、工作原理、技术指标及误差分析。This, paper introduces the principles, structures, distinguishing features and specification of the telemetering radiometer.

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研制了双通道微波辐射计,进行遥感实验。We have constructed a dual-channel microwave radiometer and conducted observation experiments in Hebei and Shanxi provinces.

提出了一种电波折射误差修正的新方法,即用微波辐射计采用大气遥感的方法进行电波折射实时修正。A new method of radiowave refractive error correction is given, which adopts atmospheric remote sensing by microwave radiometer.

采用RC积分电路和数字积分器相级联的积分方法,可以方便灵活的设置辐射计的积分时间。Integration time of microwave radiometer can be set easily by RC integration circuit in series with digital integration circuit.