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我从死神那里买的。I bought it from Azrael.

哦,对不起国王,我不应该说死神。Oh I'm sorry king, I shouldn't say Azrael.

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但现在,我们只有等待死神的降临。But, now we must welcome the Azrael to befallen.

“我会保护你。”死神认真地说。"I will protect you. "The Azrael in earnest says.

为何一直躲在黑暗中扮演死神?Why to hide in darkness to act Azrael all the time?

猫有九条命,但它仍然会被死神带走。A cat has nine lives. But the AZRAEL still take it away.

可怕的是死神没来临之前,我们全然不知!Terrible is Azrael didn't before coming, we know nothing!

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可是爸爸只喜欢果酱。他一定不知道连死神都喜欢花生酱呢。1。I'm sure he doesn't know that even the Azrael like peanut butter.

寒风像兵刃,饥饿伴随着死神的狞笑。The bise is like weapon, hunger chaperonage the hideous smile of Azrael.

时不时地喂着死神喝一口,两人都笑得甜蜜蜜。Ever and anon feed Azrael to drink an one morsel, 2 human all laugh very sweetly.

当死神的手抓住了我们所爱的人时,我们第一次理解了死亡。We understand death for the first time when Azrael puts his hand upon one whom we love.

使用阿兹莱尔在敌人被赋予双弱点时使用“黑鹰冲刺”击败对手。Landed a Black Hawk Stinger with Azrael while both of the opponents' weak points were active.

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当死神的手抓住了我们所爱的人时,我们第一次理解了死亡。Jiye "We understand death for the first time when Azrael puts his hand upon one whom we love."

如果有天死神忽然的降临。就是这样。无论我在何处。If someday Azrael comes with silence and peaceful, I still can feeling you whatever where I am.

只能眼睁睁的看着那俊美斯文的年轻人化身为死神,收割着生命。Can helplessly looking at that handsome smart cultured youth man incarnation as Azrael and harvest life.

我是帮助你跨过物质界限,体验你的多维真相的亚兹拉尔。I am Azrael helping you to cross the boundaries of the physical and experience your multidimensional truth.

死神乐得如此。温柔地怀抱佳人。好让她寻个舒服的位置躺着。The Azrael enjoys accordingly. Gentle and softly embrace charm. Make her look in a comfortable rank to prevaricate so much.

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蓝精灵们在这个全然陌生的“村庄”里挣扎求生,后面还有格格巫和他那只邪恶的宠物阿兹猫在穷追不舍。In a strange new "village" with Gargamel and his menacing cat Azrael hot on their heels, the Smurfs struggle just to survive.

死神深深地看着陆莳千,哪怕在千万米的高空,依旧看得很清楚她的样子。The Azrael profoundly looking at six Shis thousand, which afraid at must Gao Kong of the rice, still keep canning see well her outward.

狼盯上的恐惧,那是与死神擦肩而过的恐惧,那是来自灵魂深处的恐惧。The wolf stares by altitude of fear, namely namely wipe a elbow with Azrael merely lead of fear, that is from fearing of psyche deep location.