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这三人都参加了周中的预备队比赛。All three came through a Reserve team run-out in midweek.

周中我们赢了德布勒森,我们知道我们需要继续赢下去。We won in Debrecen in midweek and we knew that we needed to keep winning.

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本周周中米兰将在主场面对乌迪内斯,雄心勃勃的那不勒斯要客场访问切沃。Milan face Udinese at home in midweek while high-flying Napoli visit Chievo

事实上,把国际赛亦计算在内的话,他们大部份都长时间需要在周中比赛。Indeed, most of them have had midweek games with internationals for a long time.

热刺需要从周中被同城死敌阿森纳4比1击败的痛苦中恢复。Spurs need to bounce back from their 4-1 home defeat by north London rivals Arsenal in midweek.

我们还握有一场比赛在手里,我们必须赢。另外下周我们在周中和周末都有重要的比赛。We have one match in hand that we have to win, plus we have a big game next week and in midweek.

马克莱莱重返钻石中场担当连接工作,而舍甫琴科在周中受伤后只在替补席上。Makelele is back to anchor a diamond midfield with Shevchenko on the bench after a midweek injury.

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这支英超冠军球队在周中对战巴塞罗那的比赛中被击败,因而退出了冠军联赛。The English champions bowed out of the UEFA Champions League in midweek as Barcelona defeated them.

市气象专家说,形势将得到改善,但警告说,沙将持续到本周中。City meteorologists said conditions would improve, but warned the sand would linger through midweek.

莫里森已经进入了周三欧冠的大名单,他是很有天赋的球员,当然他可能会出现在板凳上。He's a very, very talented boy, of course, and he'll possibly be on the bench, at least, in midweek.

在周中踢平曼联后,温格说坎贝尔将会得到休息的机会。After the midweek draw with Manchester United, Wenger also suggested Sol Campbell may take a breather.

当然,这首歌如果可以打榜的话也能进入前20,在周中排行榜上它位列第16。However, if it had charted it would have been a top 20 hit, in the midweek charts it was at number 16.

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利物浦队长仍然因为在与图鲁兹的比赛中所受的脚伤接受治疗。The Liverpool skipper is still nursing the broken toe which sidelined him against Toulouse in midweek.

米兰将会在周中前往切沃征战意甲的比赛,在周末对阵国米这场重要的比赛之前。Milan will travel to Chievo for the midweek Serie A round, before the weekend's big match against Inter.

贝尼特斯希望在周中做客匈牙利德布雷岑的赛前医务室可以清空。Benitez is hopeful of the treatment room clearing ahead of the midweek clash against Debrecen in Hungary.

下一场比赛是在周中对阵有雄心壮志的卡塔尼亚,他们在四强中占有一个席位。The next test is the midweek round against high-flying Catania, who are pushing for a place in the top four.

那场比赛,这位22岁的前锋浪费了无数机会,但是周中冠军杯对阵波尔图,本特纳就用一个帽子戏法结结实实回应了批评他的人。The 22-year-old missed a host of chances in that game but hit back with a hat-trick against Porto in midweek.

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萨尼亚在对阵利兹联赛前的官方比赛日节目中说起他在周中比赛中的这次冲突。Sagna reflected on the midweek clash when he spoke to the Official Matchday Programme ahead of the Leeds game.

随后22岁的荷兰人在周中4-0大胜斯托克城的比赛中只能作壁上观,沦为替补阵中的一员。The 22-year-old was then dropped to the substitutes' bench in midweek as the Reds romped to a 4-0 win over Stoke.

但是周中击败标准列日让29岁的罗西基认为球队已经重拾信心。But after the midweek win over Standard Liege, the 29-year-old believes confidence has been restored to the ranks.