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俄罗斯的再现也令中国不安。Adding to Chinese unease is the reappearance of Russia on the scene.

她的重新出现使得复活哈特的亡灵巫师们也感到惊讶。Her reappearance surprised even the necromancers involved in raising Haart.

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肌电波之研究发现所有动物术后均可再现运动单元电位。The electromyographic studies revealed the reappearance of motor unit potentials.

他在息影多年后重出江湖,准备参加一部喜剧的拍摄。After having stopped acting for many years, he made his reappearance in a comic role.

示教盒示教是最主要的示教方法,主要用于现场示教再现。Teaching box teaching used for teaching and reappearance in site is an most main teaching method.

因此,再次存在着一个保存病毒的理由——万一这种病卷土重来。So one again there's a good reason to keep the virus-just in case the disease puts in a reappearance.

英国排行榜公司透露,迈克尔·杰克逊的另外四张专辑唱片也都打入专辑榜前20名。Four of his other hit albums also made a reappearance in the top 20, the Official Charts Company said.

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如今形式发生了逆转,霍华德曾经的政治联盟们开始就重新出现的船民对陆克文进行了严厉的指责。Now in opposition, Mr Howard's old political allies are shrilly blaming Mr Rudd for the boats' reappearance.

如今形式发生了逆转,霍华德曾经的政治联盟们开始就重新出现的船民对陆克文进行了严厉的指责。Now in opposition, Mr Howard’s old political allies are shrilly blaming Mr Rudd for the boats’ reappearance.

实践证明,此种方法具有快速、准确、重现性好、无毒害等特点。Practice shows that this method has characteristics of rapidity, accuracy, Sood reappearance and non-poison.

黎明和复活是同义词,光明的重现和“我”的延续相同。Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is identical with the persistence of the _I_.

以“再现性”为基本特征的写实油画,是世界艺苑中独树一帜的奇葩。The realistic oil painting with the characteristic of reappearance is an exquisite work in the realm of world art.

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其中工艺模型反映了工艺特性,是真实工艺在模拟过程中的再现。The process model reflects the property of simulated process and is the reappearance of real process in simulation.

评论网站IGN的马特·富勒评论说,再现这些人物能让整部剧“更紧密、更精炼”。The reappearance of these characters makes the whole series "connected and encapsulated, " IGN's Matt Fowler commented.

还有一个就是家养小精灵多比的出现,它的最后一幕的情感爆发足以震惊所有没有情感戏的部分。Another is the reappearance of the house elf Dobby, whose final scene has an emotional kick the rest of the movie lacks.

多灰度图像的激光雕刻算法是研究如何通过激光雕刻来逼真再现具有连续色调的灰度图像。The laser marking algorithm of Multi-Grey image mostly research how to reappearance continuous tone image through laser marking.

其次,石窟艺术又是佛教境地与中国不同时代真实生活情景融合的再现。Secondly, grotto art is the reappearance of inosculation of real living scene in the religious area and different times of China.

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在速率3的速率会导致光环消失,再次出现要花一两秒来稳定。Rates of turn above rate 3 cause the graticule to disappear entirely, and on reappearance it takes one or two seconds to settle down.

情感爆发、意识障碍、抽搐发作,一般于短期内即可消失,但常常有再发倾向。Affection erupts, recognizant obstacle, convulsive fit, general at short-term inside can disappear, but often have reappearance tendency.

该作战仿真系统营造了战术对抗的战场环境,提供灵活多样的人机交互接口,为单兵装备综合效能评估提供了新的实验手段。The system reappearance an intense combat field, provides flexible interactive equipment, gives a new way to the study of soldier system.