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在月亮出来之前这里可以做短暂的休息和庇护所。This was providential rest and shelter until the moon rose.

在月亮上来之前,这是一个幸运的休憩与隐蔽之所。This was providential rest and shelter until the moon rose.

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手枪是上了子弹的,所以我们能逃脱实在幸运。The pistols were loaded so our escape is indeed providential.

接下来,你们才能在这地上展开摄理性的再创造的工作。You can then start the work of providential recreation on this earth.

基督徒承认世界各地的贵族身份和上帝的天佑的照顾。Christians confess the lordship and the providential care of God over the world.

我是否缺乏信德?无法信靠天主对我和家庭的看顾与安排?Am I lacking in faith, failing to trust in God's providential care for me and my family?

索姆斯·福赛特是天佑再保险会的董事。Soames Forsyte was a member of the board of the Providential Premium Reassurance Society.

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寻求永生生命的人类历史就是一部摄理历史路程。The history of humankind seeking the eternal life is the course of the providential dispensation.

真是上苍安排的一个好机会,要他在进入茫茫宇宙之前再吃一个苹果饺。This presented a providential occasion to eat another apple-turnover before entering the unknown.

虽然我是个网游的局外人,但我也认为这是一件“没天理”的事情。Although I am an outsider that the net swims , but I also think this is " not providential " thing.

在儒家的帮助,以培养德治国,是自然和天赐,没有更多的。In Confucianism the helps to the cultivation of virtue are natural and providential , nothing more.

到那个时候,蒋介石已经认为失去大陆或许是“天意”。By then, however, Chiang had come to think that the loss of the mainland might have been "providential".

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这篇诗篇强调上帝的良善、无所不能、及照顾,所以祂当受赞美。The psalm emphasizes the goodness, omnipotence, and providential care of God for which He deserves to be praised.

劳拉想在她失落而需要人宠爱的时候,正是在此时他们邀请她作客真是太幸运了。Nora thought it was providential that they had asked her to visit just now, when she so desperately needed pampering.

在这些以及更多的事实中,我们可以看到虽然殖民地的人犯了许多的罪,神旨意之手依然带领著他们。In all this and much more, we can see the providential hand of God guiding the American colonists, despite their sins.

我相信生命的自然旅程,如果他真的是我前世注定的缘分,就一定会在前方等着我。I believe in the natural course of life-if he is truly the providential destiny for me, he is waiting for me somewhere ahead.

月亮在这里被比作撒旦的盾,弥尔顿准备着让我们了解到这个充满神意的月亮,所处的基本的暧昧不清的地位。The moon was compared to Satan's shield, and Milton was preparing us then for this radically ambiguous status of this providential moon.

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又有一个人大笑起来。幸亏踩到那块石头,宾克才没有一头撞在墙上,但显然有人以为他撞了个正着。There was another shout of laughter. Bink hadn't crashed headlong into the wall, thanks to the providential stone under his foot, but evidently someone thought he had.

我这一代中国人很幸运的目睹并且参与了中国在过去二三十年中经历的巨变。My generation has been very providential to witness and partake in the historic transformation of China that has made so numerous alterations in the elapse 20, 30 years.

求祢在我们面对世界各种灾难和痛苦时,将智慧厚加于我们,使我们能够真正平安喜乐地寄望于天父的关怀和爱护,而不致于陷入绝望的境地。As we face the disasters and suffering of this world, strengthen us with this wisdom that we may never give in to despair but live in the serene hope of our Father's providential care and love.