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没有设备,只是忙碌和流汗。No equipment, just hustle and sweat.

赶紧给老子上药?Hustle forward a medicine to Lao Tze?

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我讨厌这城市的喧嚣熙攘。I hate the hustle and bustle of the city.

我讨厌星期六买东西挤来挤去的。I hate all the hustle of Saturday shopping.

在这里,莱麦丹的热闹景象是特有的。The hustle and bustle of Ramadan here is unique.

他催促我们六个孩子来到后院里。He'd hustle all six of us kids out to the backyard.

天各一方的奔忙总是漫长。Always hustle and bustle in every corner of the earth.

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我讨厌星期六买东西那么挤来挤去的。I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping.

公共汽车到站时,人们都一窝峰地往上挤。People hustle on bus in crowd when shuttle bus enter the station.

但是我获得了“拼命查理”奖项,因为我真的比谁都努力。I got the Charlie Hustle award for working harder than anyone else.

我们简直无法忍受都市的拥挤和扰攘。We simply cannot stand the urban crowdedness and hustle and bustle.

病人抱怨他们的医生看病敷衍了事。Patients complain that their doctors hustle them through appointments.

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哈普,我看在那里就没你长大的地方那么喧嚣和骚乱。I don't see the hustle and bustle like where you were brought up, Harp.

尽管这里的生活忙碌喧嚣。despite the rush and the hustle and bustle of city life that you do get.

在经历喧嚣扰攘的鹿特丹之后,我们可以在海牙这里放松一下了。After the hustle and bustle of Rotterdam, we can relax here in The Hague.

住在英国乡村的我,也热爱伦敦繁华的城市景象。Although I live in the countryside, I love the hustle and bustle of London.

有时刚一成交,买主们就忙不迭地到外面斗起蟋蟀来了。Sometimes after the deals are done, buyers hustle outside for a pickup fight.

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我们的业绩乏善可陈,银行存款寥寥无几,我们有的只是一腔热血和不灭的梦想。Little money in the bank. Just hustle in our veins and a dream that won't die.

花点时间远离假日的烦扰喧嚣,为自己疗伤,关注自身吧。Take time away from the hustle of the holiday season to heal and focus on you.

我们将都市的熙攘抛在脑后,出发前往海边。We left the hustle and bustle of the city behind us and departed for the beach.