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急!脐疝怎么治疗?Be urgent! How is umbilical hernia treated?

他把这种联系比作脐带。This is an umbilical cord he's talking about.

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噗噗出生的时候自己剪断了脐带。When PUPU was born he cut his own umbilical cord.

什么是脐带血造血干细胞?What is dry cell of umbilical blood hematopoiesis?

但是她有脐疝,现在也没好!But she has umbilical hernia, and now have no good!

助产士剪断婴儿的脐带并将它结扎。The midwife cut and tied off the baby's umbilical cord.

这样,就在脐部形成一个薄弱的环口。In this way, in the umbilical ring to form a weak mouth.

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目的用超声诊断引起婴儿脐部渗液的病因。Objective To diagnose the causes of umbilical exudation in infant.

目的降低新生儿脐部感染发生率。Objective To reduce the incidence of neonatal umbilical infection.

脐带绕颈两周可以顺利生产吗?Does umbilical cord circle a neck can be two weeks produced smoothly?

我的宝宝三个月,有脐疝如何处理?My daughter for three months, there umbilical hernia how to deal with?

一付脐带可以生产出大约20个单位有用血液。One umbilical cord can be turned into around 20 units of usable blood.

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甚至是脐带长度轻微的差别都可能改变你的掌印。Even a slightly different umbilical cord length changes your paw print.

婴儿可能已经发现了他的第一个玩具——脐带。Your baby may have discovered his first toy by now----the umbilical cord.

我也是脐带绕颈一周,但是到最后生的时候。I am also a week-long umbilical cord around the neck , but in the end living.

该患者患有臀沟和脐溃疡以及肛周脓肿。The patient had a natal cleft and umbilical ulceration and a perianal abscess.

这个剧场好像是通过一个巨大的脐带和这个城市得以连接。It’s as if the theater were connected to the city by a gigantic umbilical cord.

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右髂腹下神经与脐—棘线相交近似垂直。The right iliohpogastric nerves and umbilical spine line almost is a right angle.

我永世难忘你为我所做的一切,但现在到了我自立的时候了。I will never forget all you've done for me, but it's time to cut the umbilical cord.

如果母犬没有扯掉胎衣或者是咬断脐带,主人就要接手母犬的工作。You must take over if the bitch neglects to remove a sac or sever an umbilical cord.