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在古巴,Mestas是一个骨科医生。Mestas was an orthopedic surgeon in Cuba.

大多数骨科医生对此是欢迎的。Most orthopedic surgeons are open to this.

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也许是某种方面的外科手术吧,如矫形外科手术。Maybe, maybe, a form of surgery, orthopedic surgery,

这些是整形外科医学的两项重大进展。They are the two major advances in orthopedic medicine.

北京叶子整形医院挂号费多少?。Beijing leaf orthopedic hospital registration fee number?

请问这是否很严重,需要看骨科医生吗?I ask whether this is a very serious need to look orthopedic doctor?

我需要和矫形骨科医生管理软件。I need a management software for orthopedic and orthotic practitioners.

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股骨骨折的未愈合是骨科学上的一个困扰。Non-union of the femoral shaft fracture presents an orthopedic dilemma.

关节软骨以及软骨下骨的损伤是骨科临床的常见疾病。Articular cartilage and subchondral bone damage is a common orthopedic disease.

“我们知道孩子们是由于身体超重诱发骨科健康问题,”布莱克斯通补充说。"We know kids have orthopedic problems from the weight itself, " Blackstone added.

病人们住在医苑整形外科的病房以恢复他们残损的肢体。Patients recovering from broken limbs are housed in the hospital's orthopedic ward.

从外表看,老人很像圣雄甘地——如果去掉腰带,穿上靴子的话。In appearance he resembled Mahatma Gandhi—minus the loincloth , plus orthopedic boots.

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骨科医生在骨折治疗中需要科学的方法论指导。In treatment of fracture, orthopedic doctors need to master the scientific methodology.

并配备有骨科实验室,骨折整复治疗室。And are equipped with orthopedic laboratory, the whole complex fracture treatment rooms.

结论应进一步加强骨科植入物和宫内节育器的监测。Conclusion Further focus monitoring on orthopedic implants and IUD should be strengthen.

有几种类型的骨科疾病常发生于马驹和年轻马。There are several types of orthopedic diseases that can occur in foals and young horses.

如何有效地改进临床骨移植的效果是目前骨科基础研究的一个热点。How to improve the effect of bone graft is becoming the hot point in orthopedic research.

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经本厂多年研发推出的新一代的骨科治疗产品。It is the latest generation of orthopedic treater as designed and developed by our factory.

我出院之前,整形外科医生曾断言,说我的腿脚永远再也不会像从前那样灵便了。Before I left the hospital the orthopedic surgeon said I would never have the same mobility.

住院部设内科病房、普外科病房、矫形外科病房。For in-patient departments of internal medicine ward, general surgery ward, orthopedic ward.