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他们是一对快乐恩爱的夫妻。They are Philemon and Baucis, a happy couple.

这是给利蒙和家庭成员。It was addressed to Philemon and the members of his family.

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他是个不忠心的奴仆,从主人腓利门那里逃跑了。He was an unfaithful servant when he fled from his master Philemon.

容格观察了腓利门和其他幻想的人物,带来了至关重要的洞察力。Jung observed that Philemon and other figures of his fantasies brought home to crucial insights.

郑明训了很好的理由要记住利蒙在感恩和祈祷,看到什么样的男子,他是!Paul had good reason to remember Philemon in thanksgiving and prayer, for see what kind of man he was!

基督耶稣的被囚者保禄,和弟茂德弟兄,致书给我们可爱的合作者费肋孟。Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon , our dear helper in the faith.

对于其他人,腓利门也许是容格想像的一个虚构人物,或者是疯狂的迹象。To anyone else, Philemon might be perceived as a figment of Jung's imagination, or evidence of madness.

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1为基督耶稣被囚的保罗,同兄弟提摩太,写信给我们所亲爱的同工腓利门Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker

为基督耶稣被囚的保罗,同兄弟提摩太,写信给我们所亲爱的同工腓利门。Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker.

为基督耶稣被囚的保罗,同兄弟提摩太,写信给我们所亲爱的同工腓利门Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer

然而欧尼西慕捲款潜逃的举动,不但违反了罗马法,也欺骗了主子腓利门。However, by stealing and running away from Philemon , Onesimus had both broken Roman law and cheated his master.

显然,正如保罗写给他老友腓利门的信所说,他非常敬重,也很喜爱这个人。It is obvious, as Paul writes to his old friend Philemon , that he had a great deal of respect and love for the man.

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腓利门是一个有声望的基督徒,可能是歌罗西教会的会友。Philemon was a prominent Christian, probably a member of the church at Colossae and the owner of a slave named Onesimus.

他爱的是塔苏斯的保罗,喜欢的是圣约翰,恨得最厉害的是圣詹姆斯,对提摩西、提多和腓力门则是既爱又恨的复杂感情。He loved Paul of Tarsus, liked St John, hated St James as much as he dared, and regarded with mixed feelings Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.

腓利门和巴西里德是两位与容格接触的精神导师。其他的导师名单还包括萨乐美。Philemon and Basilides are but two of the spirit guides that were in contact with Jung. The list of other guides also included one Salome.

保罗写信给腓利门,送阿尼西谋回到他那里去,请他原谅这个出走的奴隶,也要以同属于基督的弟兄关系看待他。Paul's Letter to Philemon is an appeal to Philemon to be reconciled to his slave, whom Paul is sending back to him, and to welcome him not only as a forgiven slave but as a Christian brother.