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蓝灯闪烁着。The blue light was flashing.

灯塔在远处闪烁。A lighthouse was flashing afar.

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孔厥,一闪而过的红色星斗。Kong Jue, one flashing red star.

他左手边的转向灯正在闪亮。His left-hand indicator is flashing.

这时,那只狗狂吼起来了,露出白牙。The dog growled, flashing white teeth.

这三个市场都亮起了黄灯,或是红灯。All of them are flashing amber, or red.

升级cm7时该用什么低包呢?What SBF version to use when flashing CM7?

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船长滑到一边,他的剑刃寒光闪闪。The captain slid aside, his blade flashing.

那司机为什么对我闪车灯?Why is the driver flashing his lights at me?

遮雨板是任何屋面中不可缺少的一部分。An integral part of any roof is its flashing.

那个司机为何用灯照我?。Why is that driver flashing his lights at me?

眼前的男孩笑的更开了,他的双眼恶劣的闪烁着。The boy smiled wider, his eyes flashing wickedly.

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闪完后的状态可以定义。The relay state after flashing can be programmed.

从赛马场返回的车流灯光闪耀The flashing of traffic homeward from the racetrack

蒸汽流量增加,可强化传热传质过程,有利于实现闪蒸。Increasing flow of steam is helpful to the flashing.

大部分发生的屋面渗漏事实上都是遮雨板渗漏。Most reported roof leaks are in fact flashing leaks.

那闪动的灯光表示此路不通。The flashing lights mean that the road is blocked. ?

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每当你看著我眼中闪烁的满天星。Whenever you looked at me , Like eyes flashing stars.

你好,我是1205房间。我们的信号灯一直在闪。Hello, this is room 1205. Our message lamp is flashing.

手指准备不确定性以上闪烁红色按钮?Finger poised uncertainly above the flashing red button?