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解开了衣架领口的部分。I untwisted the neck part of a wire hanger.

巨型机库门适用航空部队,民航等行业的飞机机库。For hanger door of air army, civil aviation etc.

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飞机库前面停机坪上,一架战斗机正在起动。A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron.

理发师将吹风机挂到挂钩上。The hairdresser hangs the hairdryer on the hanger.

发洪水期间,汉格巷地下通道被关闭。The Hanger Lane underpass was closed through flooding.

灯和挂在衣架上的衣服结合在一起,这种设计来自赫里托·塞拉诺。Lamp and clothes hanger combo designed by Hector Serrano.

已有的衣挂不具备防蛀功能。The existing hanger does not have the mothproof function.

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分裂您的文章在半年和让他们的悬崖吊架。Split your post in half and leave them with a cliff hanger.

我必须用挂衣架戳她,使她出来!I had to poke her with a coat hanger to get her to come out!

用柳枝可以很快地做成一个挂钩。A very quick hanger with a hook is made from a willow branch.

把照片挂钩钉在墙上,把固定好梅森罐的木板挂上去,完成!Nail picture hanger into the wall, and hang your herb display!

无热伸长的管道吊架,吊杆应垂直安装。Non-heating stretching pipe hanger should be fixed vertically.

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我看得出来。你这样子像是昨晚口中含着衣架睡觉。I see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.

我们不可能把他当成一个江湖郎中或者一个裱褙工人,抛在脑后。It was impossible to dismiss him as a mountebank, a paper hanger.

我的一件薄荷绿外套和灰色短裙安静地躺在衣架上。My mint-green sweater and charcoal skirt wait neatly on a hanger.

本采样装置包括取样器、起吊架及分样台。The device includes a sampler, a hanger and a sample separation plate.

通过一个锁紧螺母和开口销将阀瓣安全紧固在阀瓣支架上。Disc is fastened securely to disc hanger with a lock nut and cotter pin.

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双面胶贴著后须24小时方可达最佳黏性,故建议勿立即使用。Do not use the hanger immediately, the tape needs 24 hours to be stable.

用链钳把悬挂器总成与尾管相连接。Pick up the hanger assembly and make up on liner, start with chain tong.

本实用新型设计一种双挂钩防脱落衣架。The utility model designs a double-hook fall-off preventing coat hanger.