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鲜美大饼面包,并不如甜面包作为西葫芦。Tasty bannock bread, not as sweet as zucchini bread.

我建议吃胡萝卜蛋糕、小胡瓜面包和南瓜派。I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.

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常吃的蔬菜各色各样,从洋蓟到绿皮密生西葫芦。Vegetable choices go all the way from artichokes to zucchini.

接着加入西葫芦丝和巧克力,拌匀。Mix in the zucchini and chopped chocolate until well-combined.

以节瓜花、蘑菇和橄榄油装饰。Served garnished with zucchini flower, mushroom and olive oil.

牛扒,鸡扒,猪扒,香肠,玉米,节瓜。Beef Steak, Grilled Chicken, Pork Chop, Sausage, Corn, Zucchini.

也有转基因南瓜、转基因葫芦、转基因木瓜和转基因苜蓿。There is also GMO zucchini , crookneck squash, papaya, and alfalfa.

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你也可以在做松饼和面包的时候偷偷加上磨碎的胡萝卜或胡瓜。And you can sneak grated carrots or zucchini into muffins and breads.

茄子、甜椒、节瓜与香料盐腌入味后炭烤,佐青酱。素食可用。Grilled eggplant, sweet pepper and zucchini , cooked with pesto sauce.

慢火煮蔬菜包-番茄,茄子,节瓜,洋葱,内填米饭和肉末。Tomato, eggplant, zucchini and onion stuffed with rice and minced meat.

新鲜的西红柿酱、热气腾腾的葱油拌面,上面还放着清炒的小甜瓜。Fresh tomato sauce, fried zucchini over steaming pasta in garlic and oil.

漫漫夏日,当你收获了花园里最好的西葫芦时,什么理由能够阻止你对此的尝试呢?There’s no reason you can’t make it with your best zucchini all summer long!

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包括有沙拉蔬菜,芦笋,青豆,西兰花和西葫芦。Examples include — salad greens, asparagus, green beans, broccoli and zucchini.

西葫芦洗净切成薄片,鸡肉切片后,加入腌料拌匀。Clean and slice the zucchini . Cut the chicken into thin slices and mix with marinade.

绿皮西葫芦面条是你最所钟爱的意大利面中味道最棒的。Zucchini noodles make for fabulous lightened-up versions of your favorite pasta dishes.

这个餐厅提供严格素食的汤和沙拉,比如南瓜面条陪腰果干酪。The café and juice bar has vegan soups and salads, like zucchini noodles with cashew ricotta.

午餐我们吃了烟熏羊羔肉配西葫芦、豆类沙拉,还有烤南瓜加蓟菜烤饼可选。For lunch, it was smoked lamb with zucchini and bean salad or roasted pumpkin and artichoke tart.

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此外还出售意大利脆饼、西葫芦腌菜、凉拌卷心菜丝和蒜香甜红椒。Urban Pantry also sells biscotti, zucchini pickles, coleslaw and garlic-marinated sweet red peppers.

了解如何在此免费意大利烹饪的视频与专家节瓜烩饭食谱烹饪技巧。Learn how to make a zucchini risotto recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Italian cooking video.

了解如何在这个自由蔬菜切丝准备视频轻松烹饪技巧和技术西葫芦。Learn how to julienne zucchini in this free vegetable preparation video with easy cooking tips and techniques.