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毛细血管内皮细胞增生及细胞连接增宽等。Schwanns cells proliferated and unmyelinated nerve fiber decreased.

结果表明,视神经中可见有髓纤维和无髓纤维。There are myelinated and unmyelinated fibers in alligator's optic nerve.

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无髓神经纤维终止于毛细血管周围或仅贴垂体细胞。The unmyelinated nerve fibers either terminate around the blood capillaries or approach near pituicytes.

年轻组与老年组的各项指标中雄性与雌性动物间均不存在显著的性差别。In young and old rats, there was no significant differences of all unmyelinated fiber parameters between male and female rats.

电镜观察发现无髓纤维轴突变性及雪旺细胞里大量麻风杆菌聚集。The electron microscopy observed marked axonal degeneration of unmyelinated nerve fibers with many leprosy bacillus in Schwann' cells.

深部松果体中存在大量来自缰核和后连合的有髓和无髓神经纤维。Numerous myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers coming from the habenular and the posterior commissure reached the deep pineal gland.

CGRP和SP二者在神经元、真皮血管周围神经轴突及皮肤无髓神经末梢共存。CGRP and SP have been demonstrated co-existing in sensory neuron, axons surrounding dermal blood vessels, and unmyelinated nerve endings in skin.

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和白色脂肪组织比较起来,棕色组织有充分的血管浸润,而且有许多无髓鞘的神经提供交感神经对脂肪细胞的刺激。In contrast to white fat, brown fat is richly vascularized and has numerous unmyelinated nerves which provide sympathetic stimulation to the adipocytes.

而既然如此,那为什么还是存在着一些没有髓鞘的细小神经纤维呢?And as a corollary, why are some nerve fibers still small and unmyelinated in an organism which has acquired the ability to grow large and myelinated ones?

连续型电缆方程是描述无髓神经纤维阈下刺激时膜电压变化的重要方程。The continuous cable equation is an important equation which describes the variation of membrane voltage with the subthreshold electric stimulation of unmyelinated fiber.

结缔组织中除有成纤维细胞和颗粒细胞外还充满胶原原纤维和肌原纤维,无髓神经原纤维也较多。All cells have secretory and absorptive functions besides 4ibblasts and granular cells in connective tissue, there are myofibril, collagenous fibril and unmyelinated fibers.

结论辣椒素局部神经干给药能选择性毁损初级传入神经中的无髓纤维,减少CNV区SP含量。Conclusion Local administration of capsaicin can produce selective destruction of unmyelinated fibers in primary afferent nerves , and can reduce the levels of SP in regions of CNV.

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对照大鼠海马CA3区多形层内含有大量无髓纤维并见到较少的轴-树突触。The microstructure of the oriens layer of the CA3 region of the hippocampus in the control animal was composed of lots of unmyelinated fibers and less myelinated fibers under electron microscopy.

但是投射于后连合区的躯体初级传入粗纤维,必须在电镜下直接证实。It was speculated that the somatic primary myelinated fibers and the visceral primary unmyelinated fibers possibly converged onto SDCN neurons to produce new neuronal effect by functional integration.