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也许第一个最关键的方法就是引起共鸣。The first and probably most important way is to empathize.

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当然人们会对难民的困境怀有同情心。One can certainly empathize with the plight of the refugees.

更可怕的是,那些铁石心肠的人也许会制造真正的恶魔。What is more, those who choose not to empathize may enable real monsters.

我对此深有感触,毕竟通过盒子运送大量书籍是一个非常费时的事情。Having moved many heavy boxes of books too many times to remember, I empathize.

要孩子学会如何真正地倾听他人,从而能够理解和感觉他人。Learn how to truly listen to someone, to understand what they’re saying, to empathize.

她似乎佔有欲很强,没有安全感,对任何她不能控制的人,不表同情。She appears to be possessive, insecure, and unable to empathize with anyone she cannot control.

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大多数读者都能感受到这幅画中包含的犹豫和彷徨。Most viewers can empathize with the sense of hesitation and uncertainty embodied in such an image.

也许,上帝需要我们脸上泪水涟涟,才能让我们像耶稣一样,对别人的遭遇能真正感同身受。God may need to stain our cheeks with our own tears so that we can genuinely empathize with others as Jesus did.

如果你同情那个人,你或许会意识到,他或她所作的一切是出于无知、恐惧,甚至爱。If you empathize with that person, you may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear -- even love.

如果你站在别人的立场上,你也许会意识到他或她是因为无知、害怕、甚至是爱才那样做的。If you empathize with that person, you may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear -- even love.

新的一项研究显示,那些用说话说得最像唱歌的人对于别人的感情,更容易心领神会。A new study suggests that people whose speech is most sing-songs may have a stronger ability to empathize with others.

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新的一项研究显示,那些用说话说得最像唱歌的人对于别人的感情,更容易心领神会。A new study suggests that people whose speech is most sing-songy may have a stronger ability to empathize with others.

对他们来说,有礼貌的谈话者应该靠着表示出惊喜、讨厌、吃惊或悲哀的表情来与别人心领神会。To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust, shock or sadness.

当你承认你紧张,你在个人角度上向观众暴露出你的人性,会引起他们的共鸣。When you admit to your nervousness you expose your humanity on a personal level to the audience and they will empathize.

帝国禁止戈塔尔人加入或协助帝国军,因为他们总是倾向于理解敌人。The Empire banned Gotals from entering or assisting their ranks since they showed a tendency to empathize with their enemies.

由于有相同的神经元在我们自己的脑中,所以在某些方面,我们确实更倾向于对他人的行为作出反应。We empathize and in a certain respect actually feel the behavior of others because the same neurons are firing in our own heads.

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“中国也是一个多地震的国家,我们感同身受”,温家宝总理说。"China is also a country prone to earthquake disasters, and we fully empathize with how they feel now," said Premier Wen Jiabao.

有没有可能去造一个能教会写诗,能够受宠若惊,还能和别人有共感的机器呢?Is it possible to build a machine that could be taught to write poetry, that could be flattered, that could empathize with others?

此外,一个人也应该学会去同情对方这样才能去了解如果他们不合适,他们的感觉是怎样的。Moreover, the other person should learn how to empathize with the other person so as to understand what they would feel if they were on their shoes.