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谬误论是墨家逻辑的重要组成部分。Fallacy theory is an important constituent of Mohist school's logic.

再次,阐述了本文的核心,即墨家积极道德的基本内容。Third, the writer addresses the core research on Mohist moral content.

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分析研究了墨家的辩证思维方法论。This paper analyzes the dialectic thinking methodology of Mohist School.

第一章主要介绍墨家教育的出现。In chapter one , we mainly introduce the appearance of Mohist School's education.

武术在发展过程中对墨家思想有一定的继承。In the process of its development, Wushu has been displaying the Mohist Ideology.

他捐狂桀骜的个性则承继了墨家侠义精神的气息。His arrogant temperament is a kind of inheritance of the chivalrous Mohist spirit.

伍非百先生是中国近、现代著名的墨学家和逻辑学家。Mister Wu Feibai is a famous Mohist and logician in Chinese modern and contemporary history.

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被韩非称为"世之显学"之一的墨家学派,是中国历史上的一支奇葩。Mohist School, which was one of "The schools of the world", is much wonderful in Chinese history.

墨家对谬误论的原创性研究,内容丰富、深邃,有中国特色。Mohist school's initial study of fallacy theory is rich, profound and of Chinese characteristics.

但就墨学研究的基础性与发展性而言,吾人应追问墨学的十论所要建构的是何种世界?However, on the basis of Mohism and development is concerned, What's Mohist build the kind of world?

众高手能否齐心协力撑过墨家有史以来最大的危机?Can the Mohist swordsmen pull together to help Mohists survive the greatest crisis since its emergence?

作为战国“显学”的墨学在秦汉时代已经衰落下去,但这并不意味着墨家思想和墨家精神的断流。The decline of Mohism in Qin and Han Dynasties doesn't prevent spreading of Mohist ideology and spirits.

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他的墨学研究不仅具有学术史的意义,也具有思想史上的意义。His study of Mohist theory has importance of both the history of academic studies and intellectual history.

“侔”的语义学思想产生与中国古代汉语的特征有密切关系。The producing of Mohist semantics thoughts has close relation with the feature of Chinese ancient language.

墨家对于逻辑学的三条规律进行了详尽的阐述,这些构成了墨家逻辑学之重要内容之一。Mohist described in great details three regulations of logic which formed the important content of Mohist logic.

本章分两节,分别从介绍墨学的近、现代研究状况入手,转入对主题观点的论述。In two sections, the main topic is discussed, beginning from introducing latter-day and modern studies on Mohist.

短期创始人秦,而法家是官方哲学,撤销墨家和儒家学校。The short founder Qin Dynasty, where Legalism was the official philosophy, quashed Mohist and Confucianist schools.

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“侔”是中国古代墨家在论辩过程中总结出来的一种论说方式,含有丰富的语义学思想。Mou or parallel is a kind of debating method of Chinese ancient Mohist in debating, and has rich semantics thoughts.

墨家最先提出“类”、“故”、“理”三个范畴并以之作为推类的逻辑法则。The Mohist School first advanced analogy, reason and inference, taking these three categories as logical-thinking law.

非形式化是墨家逻辑的主要特点,而亚里士多德逻辑的主要特点是形式化。Mohist logic has the character of non-formalization, while Aristotlian Logic is mainly charactered by its formalization.