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这可不仅仅是什么棒球模拟游戏。This isn't just some baseball simulator.

NS2是目前使用广泛的网络仿真器之一。NS2 is one of network simulator used widely.

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日本人编写的世嘉土星模拟器。Japanese Sega Saturn prepared by the simulator.

Trainz模拟器总谐波失真是Android的一个世界第一!Trainz Simulator THD is a world first for Android!

向该基地交付第一部仿真仪的时间是2006年。The first simulator was delivered to the base in 2006.

该模拟器在某型机载雷达ATE中获得应用。The simulator has been successfully used in a radar ATE.

通过NS2模拟器验证了该算法的有效性。The method's validity is verified by using NS2 simulator.

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因此研制中医脉象模拟仪有其必要性。Soit was necessary to develop a pulse condition simulator.

在进入模拟起飞状态时,烟雾涌进了机舱。As the simulator mimicked takeoff, smoke poured into the cabin.

在运行模拟之前,必须初始化模拟器。Before running a simulation, you must initialize the simulator.

这样,我们让单语者和双语者模拟驾车。So we put monolinguals and bilinguals into a driving simulator.

在荒凉的实验室中,灰尘聚集在绝缘的模拟器上。Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab.

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可以在模拟器客户机中观察和分析这一活动。You can observe and analyze this activity in the Simulator Client.

能广泛地应用于领航轰炸模拟器的瞄准具上。It could be widely applied to gun-sight of pilot bombing simulator.

我们的模拟器和其软件配置是在店面中买不到的。Our simulator and the software it uses cannot be bought in a store.

模拟器有几个不同的视图,如前所述。The simulator has several different views, as mentioned previously.

罗兰·卡彭特在屏幕上启动了一个飞机飞行模拟器。Loren Carpenter launches an airplane flight simulator on the screen.

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其次提出一种新的多自由度交会对接仿真器方案。Then a new design of multiple-freedom simulator for RVD is provided.

这些读数来源于“日本磁气圈模拟器”。These readings are obtained from a Japanese magnetosphere simulator.

刹把组件是钻井模拟器上的主要仿真部分。Brake handle component is main simulation part of drilling simulator.