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澳新军团日袋鼠特兹饮料,褴褛及两个向上!Wallaby Teds ANZAC Day drinks, footy & TWO UP!

纪念一战中澳洲的第一次重大军事行动的节日。Anzac Day -- Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.

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澳洲因为澳新军团日休市。Markets in Australia will remain closed for the Anzac day holiday.

谁选择了澳洲新西兰军团士兵这个名字来形容澳大利亚和新西兰的军队?。Who chose the name ANZAC to describe Australia and New Zealand Troops?

在250个字之内描述你认为的在1914年4月25日澳洲新西兰军团士兵发生的事情。In 250 words describe what you think happened at ANZAC Cove on 25 April 1914.

一个纪念在第一次跟第二次世界大战中丧生的澳洲人的广场。Anzac Square, a place memorializes the Australian who joined the world war I and II.

海德公园的一头儿是澳新军纪念馆,纪念澳洲和新西兰士兵的。ANZAC War Memorial lies on the other side of Hyde Park along with its reflection pool.

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特色是图中看到的圣殿和其中的永不熄灭的圣火。The feature of Anzac Square is the Shrine with the eternal flame which means peace and memorial.

在1934年他揭幕了一座纪念碑用以纪念在安扎克湾区的“那些抛头颅洒热血的英雄们”。In 1934 he unveiled a memorial dedicated to "Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives" at Anzac Cove.

在炮声轰隆、火光冲天的战场上,我们澳新军团的父辈们为澳大利亚高尚的价值观,重重地填写了一笔同情心和人性。Amid the glare and noise of battle our Anzac Fathers added Compassion and Human Tenderness to the noble list of Australian Values.

这座对外没有直接出入口的建筑,以迷一般的姿态坐落在场地上,低调地成为了战争纪念馆的背景。With no direct public access through its exterior, ANZAC Hall maintains an enigmatic presence on the site and provides a neutral backdrop to the Memorial.

第六章是关于凯利传奇的延伸和继续,包括凯利文学文献和澳大利亚民族精神在第一次世界大战ANZAC军团的体现。The sixth chapter is about Ned Kelly and his legend living into a fully Kelly literature, and the continuation of such legend in ANZAC during the First World War.

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每年1月26日的澳大利亚日、4月25日的澳新军团日和新年除夕,岩石区都要举行庆祝活动,人们成群结队涌向鹅卵石街道。See people spill out of them onto a party on the cobblestone streets when The Rocks celebrates Australia Day on January 26th, Anzac Day on April 25th and New Years Eve.

我司的业务优势在于与多家船东建立起良好的业务关系,其中ZIM、YML、CMA是我们主推的船东服务,并在欧线、美线及澳洲线具有竞争力的运价。We have established a well relation with many ship-owners. Such as ZIM, YML, CMA. We can provide the favorable prices especially for the lines of Europe, USA, and ANZAC.