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噢,是的老板。谢谢您对我工作的认可。Oh, yeah boss. Thank you for approving my job.

人要是喜欢什么,找起理由来还真够快当的!How quick come the reasons for approving what we like!

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我们应该被吓倒,还是应该赞成这种最新潮的做法?Should we be appalled, or approving of this latest move?

人群里传遍了满意和赞许的低语声。An approving murmur of satisfaction ran through the crowd.

他因不安全药物受贿而判罪。He was found guilty of curruption for approving unsafe drugs.

委员会审查了他的提议以后才通过了它。The committee looked through his proposal before approving it.

工作流是一个简单的批准和拒绝表单的过程。Workflow is a simple process of approving and rejecting a form.

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请考虑批准和支付电子支出报表这一过程。Consider the process of approving and paying an electronic expense report.

他们使用最普遍的权力是通过或否决法律。The most commonly used power is that of approving or vetoing any legislation.

最近,Sysco改变了策略,从今年夏天开始接受中国加工厂的产品。Recently, Sysco changed its policy, approving a Chinese processor this summer.

批准或拒绝经过更新的记录,由经理角色执行。Approving or rejecting the updated record that is performed by the manager role.

结果是迫使食品和药品管理局总是批准的很迟。So the result is that the pressure on the FDA is always to be late in approving.

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现在,中国同性恋先生出现了,英语国家媒体对此持赞许态度。Now comes Mr Gay China, reported in approving terms in English-language state media.

评估和批准申请建立新的主动性工作的商业案例。Reviewing and approving business cases that propose the creation of new initiatives.

是个有分量的、表示赞许的形容词,含有高雅和完美的意思。Beautiful is a serious and approving description, suggesting elegance and perfection.

星期一,卡梅尼将主持一个庆祝大会,正式批准阿玛蒂内贾德的第二个任期。On Monday, Khamenei will lead a ceremony formally approving Ahmadinejad's second term.

变更控制管理人员负责批准所有生产系统的变更。The Change Control Manager is responsible for approving all changes to production systems.

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认可对方的重要性,并表达由衷的赞美,就能够赢得回报。Approving the importance of others and expressing sincere praise of others can be reworded.

理论分析和初步的实验证明该方法是可行和有前途的。The primary experiments and theorized analysis prove the method is approving and promising.

能生产多种质量上乘、款式新颖的中、高档壁纸产品。We are able to produce many kinds of approving quality, original design and slap-up wallpaper.