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比较两组产褥感染的情况。The incidence of puerperal infection in the 2 groups was compared.

所有以上这些措施都能有效降低孕产妇及新生儿病死率。All the above can degrade the case fatality rate of puerperal and neonatus.

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目的探讨产褥期首发精神障碍临床特点。Objective To investigate the clinical characteristic of puerperal mental disorder.

目的探讨产痛与产后抑郁症的相关性。Objective To explore the interrelation between labor pains and puerperal depression state.

或者因在产褥期反复感染,致使子宫复旧不全引起。Because or infects repeatedly in the puerperal period, causes involution of uterus not to cause.

目的分析妊娠合并肺结核的临床治疗方法。Objective To analyze the clinical treatment of gravid and puerperal women with pulmonary tuberculosis.

目的观察心理康复干预对产妇产力的影响。Objective To observe the effects of psychological rehabilitation on the puerperal force of puerperant.

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对我院诊治的妊娠合并肺结核38例进行跟踪调查回顾性分析。Methods 38 gravid and puerperal women with pulmonary tuberculosis were followed up and analyzed retrospectively.

产褥期感染出血,以大剂量广谱抗生素为主,宫缩剂仅是辅助药物。As to puerperal hemorrhage, large dose of broad spectrum antibiotics should be given in addition with oxytocic drugs.

赛麦尔维斯发现,产褥热病例可以通过洗手大大减少。Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection.

目的探讨围产期生殖道支原体感染与产褥感染的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between genital mycoplasma infection and puerperal infection during perinatal period.

对比两组诊断符合情况、剖宫产率、产褥感染率及新生儿窒息率。The diagnosis accord rate, caesarean section rate, puerperal infection rate and neonate asphyxia rate of two groups were compared.

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目的研究围生期孕妇支原体感染与产褥感染及新生儿窒息的关系。Objective to explore the relevance of genital mycoplasma infection puerperal infection and neonatal asphyxia during perinatal period.

目的研究围生期孕妇支原体感染与产褥感染及新生儿窒息的关系。Objective To explore the relevance of genital mycoplasma infection, puerperal infection and neonatal asphyxia during perinatal period.

目的用系统思想探讨硬膜外阻滞分娩镇痛对产后抑郁症相关因素的影响。Objective Using systems thinking to explore the influence of epidural block anesthesia of labor on the correlative factors of puerperal depression.

结果12例多器官功能衰竭诱因为重度妊高征、胎盘早剥、产后出血、子宫破裂、产褥感染。Results 12 MOF cases resulted from critical pregnant hypertension, placenta abruption, postpartum hemorrhage, uterine rupture and puerperal infection.

在产褥期腹壁原有的萦红色的新妊娠纹会逐渐变成银白色的旧妊娠纹。Original will entangle the red new striae gravidarum in the puerperal period abdominal wall to turn the silver-white color gradually the old striae gravidarum.

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否则为产褥热众所周知,这是一个感染,分娩后的妇女,并在每年都有数千悲惨和痛苦的死亡。Otherwise known as puerperal fever, it was an infection which followed childbirth and resulted in miserable and agonizing deaths for thousands of women every year.

他敦促美国外科医生勤洗澡,穿着干净衣服,避免接触到的产褥热患者后48小时内参与分娩。He urged fellow surgeons to wash themselves, put on clean clothes and refrain from deliveries for 48 hours after coming into contact with a case of puerperal fever.

结论对于产后不宜母乳喂养的产妇应及早采取回乳措施,最好于产后立即进行,以便取得较好的回乳效果。Conclusion In order to achieve the better effect, the measure of milk withdrawal should be taken as early as possible for those puerperal women improper to breast feeding.