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惠特尼的偶像是蒂娜•菲,这也是我的偶像。Whitney's hero is Tina Fey. As she is mine.

精类生物喜爱和各种生物调情并勾引他们。Fey enjoy sexual and emotional dalliances with creatures of all kinds.

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这是所有卓尔的天赋,但是很少有人在这么小的时候就能展示出来。This was an innate talent of the fey drow, but seldom did it manifest so early.

不管是佛洛依德还是蒂娜·菲,所有人都想搞清楚有些事为何让人觉得搞笑。Everyone from Freud to Tina Fey has tried to understand why some things are funny.

排名前两位的蒂娜·菲和伊娃·朗格利亚的收入不仅仅来自拍电视剧。The top two, Tina Fey and Eva Longoria, each earned money outside of their regular series.

好吧,喜剧演员蒂娜·非肯定知道通往她的展现女人能够很有趣的路。Well, comedian Tina Fey sure knows her way into the world to show that women can be funny.

所以,我做了一件能让我重拾自信、干掉紧张的事情,我找蒂娜·菲道歉了一下作为彩排。So what I did to get my confidence up, to get my nerves to settle down, I rehearsed by apologizing to Tina Fey.

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卡雷尔和费都是天生的喜剧演员,他们深知,一名喜剧演员应始终保持严肃。Carell and Fey are both natural comic performers, who know that a comedian must never seem to know that it's funny.

在一个歌手发挥了部分学校的学生叫贾森迪普斯而傻玩,对他情有独钟的教师。In one part the singer played a school student called Jason Deeps while Fey played a teacher with a soft spot for him.

不一会儿,两个男人抱着好些瓶酒从烛光映照的厨房里走了过来,他们都很清瘦,第一眼看上去都还有些古怪。Two men bearing bottles emerged from the candlelit gloom of the dining room, both slender, both at first glance slightly fey.

不出几周,“周六夜现场”就宣布已邀请菲在节目中扮演帕林——由此成就了一个传奇。Within a few weeks, Saturday Night Live announced Fey would return to portray Palin—and thus a legendary impersonation was born.

她们同炼狱中的智慧生物或精界的灵魂沟通,用强力的魔能爆吞噬敌人,或用恶毒的诅咒折磨对手。They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses.

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过去一年的大选中出现了希拉里克林顿、莎拉佩林、蒂娜费、凯蒂库里奇,她们个个作为主角出场而非配角。We just came through an election year in which Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Tina Fey and Katie Couric were lead players, not the supporting cast.

一名四海为家的人物可能熟悉各地的风俗礼仪,而一个粗俗的乡下农夫说不定有数不尽的仙灵故事。A cosmopolitan character might be experienced in the skills of etiquette, while an unrefined peasant might know countless folk tales about the fey.

一名四海为家的人物可能熟悉各地的风俗礼仪,而一个粗俗的乡下农夫说不定有数不尽的仙灵故事。A cosmopolitan character might be experienced in the skills of etiquette, while an unrefined peasant might know countless folk tales about the fey.

妙语连珠的喜剧女演员,如蒂娜•菲和艾米•舒默,不靠脸也能在娱乐圈混得风生水起,吸引大批粉丝。Comediennes like Tina Fey and Amy Schumer prove that women in showbiz can win over legions of fans with their wisecracking rather than their looks.

妖精裔在遇到某些针对精类生物的特殊效果时如同她们地祖先一般脆弱,并且她们能够使用精类生物能够使用地魔法物品。Feykissed are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect fey as their fey ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are useable by fey.

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2008年莎拉·帕林刚开始被提名为麦肯恩的竞选搭档时,就有很多人注意到此人长得像喜剧演员蒂娜·菲。When Sarah Palin was first announced as John McCain’s running mate in 2008, there were many who noted the politician’s similarity to comedian Tina Fey.

“周六夜现场”的两位红星缇娜·菲与艾米·波勒就在“我为喜剧狂”和“公园娱乐”中尽情展示她们的灵机妙智,让美国的电视剧重新变得精彩起来。Former Saturday Night Live stars Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have helped revive the American sitcom with their respective witfests, 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation.

但是,即使在二十世纪七十年代也有一些事情在预示着克尼维尔先生早逝的命运,当时年轻人风行长发与紧身库,每个人都看起来好像是芭蕾舞团的舞蹈员。But there was always something a bit fey about mr knievel even in the1970s when long hair and tight crotches made every young man look like a member of a corps de ballet.