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我们当然会再购买柠檬挤压。We'll buy another lemon squeezer of course.

用了他,不会再有机会浪费牙膏了。全被榨干了。Say goodbye to wasted toothpaste with this convenient squeezer.

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报道了改进型的光纤挤压式偏振控制器。An improved fiber squeezer polarization controller is represented.

在制作,我铆接尾随的优势,与我的手铆钉挤压。During fabrication , I riveted the trailing edge with my hand rivet squeezer.

滚动牙膏挤压吊架小工具已被评为四列的5颗星!The Rolling Toothpaste Squeezer and Hanger Gadget has been rated 4 out of 5 stars!

辊压加热可选石英管加热和中波红外辐射管加热,并可配备加热对流搅拌系统。Roller squeezer heating can be quartz tube or infrared tube, and also can equipped with convection system.

近年,自行开发和研制了具有国际先进水平的双辊挤浆机。International advanced level twin-roll squeezer has been explored and manufactured voluntarily recent years.

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近年,自行开发和研制了具有国际先进水平的双辊挤浆机。International advanced level twin-roll squeezer has been explored and manufactured voluntarily in recent years.

榨汁机优选是由柔性聚合物例如铂催化的硅酮模制而成的单件。The squeezer preferably comprises one piece which is moulded from a flexible polymer, for example platinum-catalysed silicone.

介绍了挤压式旋转切割弹丸注入器结构特点、工作原理。The structure characteristic and working principle of the pellet injector in a squeezer type with a turning cutter are described briefly in this article.

在一个阳光明媚的早晨,临桌而坐,整整四个小时不受打扰,有足够数量的雪白稿纸,还有一支“挤压式”妙笔——那才叫真正的幸福。To sit at one's table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a Squeezer pen—that is true happiness.

双螺杆中间轴变径、螺旋叶片变距、对鱼料形成压榨、排出大部分水分脂肪。The double-screw squeezer has a tapered intermediate shaft and the helical blade with variable pitch, and can squeeze fish stock and expel most of the water and fat.

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容器。从玻璃瓶酒瓶,以塑料挤出管。这包括选择和查找源的瓶子,设计标签打印正面和背面。Containers. Ranging from glass jars to bottles, to plastic squeezer tubes. this includes selecting and finding the source of the bottles, designing the label printing front and back.

提到新批评派不能不提T,S,爱略特,这是位元老级人物,他对这个新文学鉴赏方式持有一种比较特别的观点,他称之为,“挤柠檬式批评主义T.S. Eliot, who was in many ways associated with the New Criticism, one of its intellectual forebears, nevertheless took a somewhat dim view of it and called it "lemon squeezer criticism."

提到新批评派不能不提T,S,爱略特,这是位元老级人物,他对这个新文学鉴赏方式持有一种比较特别的观点,他称之为,“挤柠檬式批评主义“T.S. Eliot, who was in many ways associated with the New Criticism, one of its intellectual forebears, nevertheless took a somewhat dim view of it and called it "lemon squeezer criticism."