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弥尔顿是个革命者。Milton was a revolutionary.

这时米尔顿·济丹走了进来。Then Milton Gelton comes in.

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弥尔顿需要在这儿显得丑陋不堪。Milton needs to get ugly here.

像密尔顿这样的诗人是罕见的。Such poets as Milton are rare.

弥尔顿是一位银行家的儿子。Milton was the son of a banker.

那么把弥尔顿带向了何方?Where does Lycidas lead Milton?

他引了弥尔顿的几行诗。He quoted a few lines of Milton.

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弥尔顿这样做是非常骇人听闻的!Milton is -- this is outrageous!

弥尔顿的地位次于莎士比亚。Milton is placed after Shakespeare.

密尔顿的诗歌需要诗人来翻译。It takes a poet to translate Milton.

他把它当做自己的方式来使用,弥尔顿确实这么做了。He adopts it as his own, Milton does.

我们看到弥尔顿此前也这么做过。Now we've seen Milton do this before.

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弥尔顿把它比作船上的桅杆。Milton compares it to the mast of a ship.

这就是弥尔顿得到“秋天般的“灵感的来源This is where Milton gets the "autumnal."

这就是弥尔顿得到“秋天般的“灵感的来源“This is where Milton gets the "autumnal."

他引用已故美国经济学家米尔顿?He quoted the late U.S. economist Milton ?

弥尔顿在此冒了一个大险。Milton is taking a pretty great risk here.

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她的书是论述密尔顿的定论性著作。Her book is the definitive works on Milton.

事实上在这里,弥尔顿在讨论天堂。Milton is actually talking about heaven here.

李嗣贵牧师用国语主讲。Preached by pastor milton lee using mandarin.