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并且只有很少的公众反对同居。And there has been little public opposition to cohabitation.

选择同居或单身父母的人变得很少。Cohabitation and single parenthood by choice were very rare.

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第一章对婚内同居做出界定。In the first chapter, I made the definition of marital cohabitation.

大学生同居的话题是无法避免的。Cohabitation of university students cannot be dodged for much longer.

亚雷还纠缠苔丝,无耻地企图与她同居。Ya-lei also entangled Tess, and her shameless attempt to cohabitation.

夫妻间的同居义务是夫妻其他权利与义务的基础。The obligation of cohabitation of spouses is the basis of marital rights.

绝大多数的东亚及东南亚国家很少有,甚至几乎没有婚外同居的现象。Most East and South-East Asian countries report little or no cohabitation.

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这份资料提供了男女未婚同居的最详尽的数据。It provides the most detailed data on cohabitation of men and women to date.

同年成蕙琳退出演艺圈,1969年两人公开同居。Hye from the same year as professional actors, both public cohabitation in 1969.

在我的一些长期的恋爱中,同居总是最出问题的环节。In my long-term relationships, cohabitation has always been the stumbling block.

合法的婚姻以双方合意为要件,而不因同居事实成立。What validates a marriage is the consent of the parties, not their cohabitation.

认识唐某,唐某后与丈夫离婚与陈某同居。Recognizing Tangmou, Tangmou after Chen and her husband divorce and cohabitation.

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如果牧师不提出同居问题,那么他们的行为可能会很不负责任。If a pastor doesn't bring up the cohabitation issue, they're acting irresponsibly.

便在1977年把高英姬带往私人官邸同居。Will be high in 1977 and taken to the private residence of Young-hee cohabitation.

IPV与受教育程度、职业、婚前同居史相关。IPV is correlated with education, employment and premarital cohabitation experience.

非婚同居作为一种事实状态,其存在具有合理性和现实性。Being the fact or state, the illegitimate cohabitation contains rationality and reality.

大部分情况下,这些伴侣说他们认为同居是走向婚姻的一步。In most cases, those couples said they considered cohabitation as a step toward marriage.

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在这困难关头,亚雷乘虚而入,用金钱诱逼苔丝和他同居。In this difficult moment, Ya-lei take advantage of money Youbi Tess and his cohabitation.

离异人士逐渐选择同居来作为婚姻的替代品。Divorced individuals are increasingly choosing cohabitation as an alternative to marriage.

而一些人不结婚仅仅是因为未婚同居已经在社会上被广为接受了。And some have simply decided not to marry as cohabitation becomes more socially acceptable.