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掘完井,道士就离开了。Dig a well, taoism priest left.

槎山是道教的重要发祥地。Cha Shan is the birthplace of Taoism.

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所以鲁迅先生才说,中国的根底在道教。So Mr. Lu Xun says, China roots in taoism.

在道家学说里有种理念叫做无为。There is a concept in Taoism called ‘Wu Wei.’

汉魏晋乃道教开端的时代。Taoism has its beginning in Han-Wei-Jin period.

从主观因素看,是道教自身发展的需要。The subjective factor is the needs of Taoism itself.

道教历来倡导节俭、朴素的生活。Taoism has always advocated thriftiness and plain life.

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武当山是十堰的一大名胜,是道教圣地。A big, wudang mountain is shiyan scenic, Taoism culture.

麻姑,是中国道教神仙体系中的女仙。Magu, is a very famous god in Chinese taoism god system.

崂山道教宫观的空间分布。Secondly, the spatial distribution of Taoism in Laoshan.

秦观对道教的信念支撑着他顽强地生活。His faith in Taoism supported him to live on indomitably.

我今天最后一节课是中文130-关于道教。My last class of the day was Chinese 130-topics in Taoism.

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城隍信仰属于通俗道教自然神祗的崇拜,在中国已流传数千年之久。The City God belief is a kind of nature worship of Taoism.

不过幸好在远古道家里,有一种心诀。Fortunately, in the ancient Taoism there was a heart formula.

道教关注于自然以及人性,儒家则关注于培养。Taoism focuses on nature and Confucianism focuses on nurture.

太乙五行拳为道家崂山派拳术,由五行拳和五形拳两部分组成。Taiyi Five-form Boxing of Taoism is the boxing technique of Mt.

中国有“道”,然而今天有多少中国人是道徒呢?China has the Taoism but how many Chinese nowadays are Taoists ?

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庄子之道,就是一种蕴涵在天地万物当中的美。The Taoism of Zhuangzi is a kind of beauty implied in all things.

蓬莱,有名的道家仙地,位于山东半岛北部。Penglai, a town on the north of the Shandong peninsula famed in Taoism.

终南山本是道教的发源地之一,整日仙雾缭绕。Yamamoto is the birthplace of Taoism upon one day, immortal fog filled.