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我以前从没在修改组工作过。I was never in the Rewrite Squad.

班长走过来,牵起她的手。Squad leader came, Qianqi her hand.

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宋强和他的班冲了进来。Song Qiang and his squad charged in.

那你该知道他们是个行刑队。You know that they're a death squad.

第七中队伤亡惨重。Squad Seven suffered many casualties.

加利亚尼尽管没有随队前行。Galliani though was not with the squad.

斐利亚福克和那一小队人昨天是向南方追击的……A squad is the smallest unit in an army.

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他将会是一个极好的援兵。He'd be a great addition to either squad.

在5分钟内,发布命令给你班队。In 5 minutes, issue orders to your squad.

增加班插接帽和车辆插接帽。Increases both Squad Cap and Vehicle Cap.

中士厉声向他班士兵下命令。The sergeant barked an order to his squad.

我们班有好几个姓谢的战士。We have several men named Xie in our squad.

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忽然,一辆客货两用车狠狠地撞上了警车。Suddenly, the squad car is smashed by a van.

今天我们作文班也要竞选班长。Today, we are also writing classes run squad.

请问我们需要组队参加这个活动吗?Do we need a Squad to take part in this event?

这就是你看到的这支球队的力量。That’s when you see the strength of the squad.

即使在强队林立的西部,这也算的是硬角色。Even in the stacked West, that's a tough squad.

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你让我给你打电话的地方——警卫室。Where you asked me to call from—the squad room.

中国人习惯于统治跳水台。China's diving squad is used to ruling the board.

但我们阵容强大,足以应付。However, we've got a strong squad and we'll cope.