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真皮层可见坏死病灶。The necrosis foci were seen in corium.

表皮冷却系统针对性可调的安全性。Safety, with corium cooling system of pertinency adjustable.

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全部采用进口真皮,舒适耐用,气派尊贵。Made in imported corium , comfortable and durable, style and honored.

可调节看到皮肤真皮层色素的沉积部位,检测皮肤的老化程度等。Adjustable lens allow us to see the pigment in the corium and the skin aging problem.

目的研究真皮下血管网薄皮瓣在手部软组织缺损修复中的应用。Objective To study the application of corium lower vascular net thin skin flap in hand soft tissue defect.

闲来无事,用钢锯条做刀剑。木做剑鞘刀鞘,包真皮,寿山石和黄杨木做的装具。I'm free and make a sword by hacksaw, a scabbard by wood, with corium covered on, and fittings by Shoushan stone and boxwood.

在真皮层中,胶原蛋白与弹性蛋白形成立体结构,保水成分透明质酸填充其间,为肌肤带来水嫩与弹力。In corium , collagen and elastin forms the 3D structure and are filled with hyaluronic acid, thus creating tender and elastic sin.

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用雄鸡冠模拟血管瘤作实验,显微镜检见皮肤浅层血管或血窦闭塞或消失。External application of CAA on angioma resulted in the obliteration or disappearance of the lumen and blood sinus in the corium and subcutaneous layer histopa- thologically.

病理组织学变化以表皮的网状变性、真皮的炎性浸润和结缔组织增生为最特征。The histopathological patterns consisted basically of reticular degeneration of the epidermis, inflammatory infiltration of the corium and proliferation of the connective tissue.

现今生产经营的主要有“皇后牌”真皮、布艺中高档沙发以及“龙凤牌”除菌防螨床垫等高质量产品。At present, the products of our factory include corium , cloth middle and top grade sofa with "Queen" Brand, anti-bacterium, acarid-defending mattress and other high quality products.

此外,随着年龄的增长,真皮层内的弹力纤维、胶塬蛋白随之松垮,也会促成了老化型毛孔的产生。In addition, along with the age growth, in the corium layer elastic fibers, the rubber plateau protein breaks down along with it pine, also will facilitate the old molding pore production.