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这样的话,保鲜盒就成为你的好朋友了哦。At that point, Tupperware containers become your new best friend.

灯的配件由塔珀家用塑料制品沙拉碗构成。The light fittings are composed of best selling Tupperware salad bowls.

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相比之下,即使特百惠派对都开始显得像是闪闪发光的知识分子沙龙。Even the Tupperware party starts to look a glittering intellectual salon by comparison.

柯克帕特里克博士说,“大西瓜太太,即使你装满了所有的塑料容器,你还会有很多没有装完。”With the big ones, you fill up all your Tupperware containers and you’re still not done.

你冰箱里的特百惠里装了三口剩饭和一只鸡翼。You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing.

如此过了两星期,那天从家里带来一盒剩下的肉末意粉做午餐。Couple weeks later, I brought a Tupperware box of left over Penne with Meat sauce for lunch.

此外,我总是觉得格拉德或特百惠的器皿不实惠。Plus, I always get the feeling that those Glad or Tupperware containers are overpriced anyway.

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从这里你能看到一个典型的去特百惠派对的50年代,家庭主妇的形象。So you get this image of her as this stereotypical '50s housewife going to Tupperware parties.

搅拌之后把冰激凌盛到保鲜盒中,然后放进冰箱,直至完全成型。After churning transfer the ice cream into some Tupperware. Place it the freezer until it sets.

等它们在一旁凉了之后,将它们放在冰箱里冰冻。那么我就有冰冻的番茄块和萝卜条畏虾吃啦。I will let them cool off for a while, then i put them in tupperware and freeze them in freezer compartment.

让我们再会到上个月曼哈顿起居室里的那次特百惠聚会,对公司来说,情形发展的相当不错。Back in the Manhattan living room of last month's Tupperware party, the news for the company appears quite good.

她刚从一个特百惠派对回来,因为女主人准备了太多的樱桃白兰地,所以她有点喝醉了。She has just come back from a Tupperware party where the hostess put too much kirsch in the punch, so she's a little drunk.

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她刚从一个特百惠派对回来,因为女主人准备了太多的樱桃白兰地,所以她有点喝醉了。She has just come back from a Tupperware party where the hostess put too much kirsch in the punch, so she's a little drunk.

在随后的16年,我任职于特百惠,近3年,我得到其独立的分销权,得到了难能可贵的经验。In the following 16 years, I worked with Tupperware of which the last 3 years was a gainful experience in independent distributorship.

你家里没有任何家用塑料制品,只有一橱子洗过再拿来用的油瓶,饭盒和酱坛子。44。You don't own any real Tupperware -only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, takeout containers, and jam jars.

你并不真正拥有全新的塑料容器,你的碗柜里满是使用过但是仔细清洁过的黄油盒。You don't own any real Tupperware -only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs , takeout containers, and jam jars.

但是,恰恰相反,我移步到了餐厅的一个长桌旁,坐在一个用特百惠碗吃饭的奶奶旁。But instead I shuffled into the dining room and sat at one of the long tables next to a grandmotherly woman eating from a Tupperware bowl.

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最好的方法,使特百惠眼皮较松是增加柔韧他们如何通过设置一些沸水中片刻他们。The best way to make Tupperware lids more loose is by setting them in some boiling water for a few moments to increase how pliable they are.

希望特百惠的优质家居生活用品是改善和创造您美好生活和家居的好机会。I hope that the Tupperware Life Style product has given you the opportunity to improve and make mo re beautiful your daily life and your home.

公共服务宣传和付费广告是一个办法,也有其它诸如优惠卷,媒介事件,评论,“特百惠”风格派对或者店内展示等方法。Public service announcements or paid ads are one way, but there are other methods such as coupons, media events, editorials, "Tupperware"-style parties or in-store displays.