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我为什么要问这么原始的才能?!Why do I even bother asking such unshaped talent?!

在有速度的情况下,糢糊的边线及消除具体边框可表达时间在移动时之形状。In a speedy condition, a blur or an unshaped outline could represent the shape of passing time.

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本公司是生产多种耐火材料及不定型耐火材料的重要厂家。It is the excellent raw material for the brick making and the unshaped refractory material making.

算法在视觉质量上优于传统的反锐化掩膜法、直方图均衡法。In visual quality, the algorithm is better than the traditional unshaped mask method, histogram equalization method.

是生产镁碳砖、高级碱性砖和不定型耐火材料的优良原料。It is good raw materials to produce magnesia carbon bricks, high-class basic bricks and unshaped refractory materials.

算法在视觉质量上优于传统的反锐化掩膜法、直方图均衡法。In visual quality, the algorithm is better than the traditional unshaped mask method and histogram equalization method.

耐火浇注料是一种不需烧成,加水搅拌后具有较好流动性的不定型耐火材料。Refractory castable is unshaped refractory material that doesn't need firing and features fluidness after adding water.

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江苏省常州市横山桥镇江苏恒耐集团是一家不定型耐火材料的专业生产企业,是各类炉窑附件、锚固件的专业生产商。Jiangsu Hengnai Group is specializing in the production of unshaped refractory materials and all kinds of kiln accessories and anchors.

一个雕刻家在细心雕刻一块尚未成形的大理石,头部、肩膀都已雕刻成形,雕成了一个美丽的天使。A sculptor was devoting himself in carving an unshaped marble, with head and shoulder coming into shape, then a beautiful angle sculpted.

具有生产炼铁、炼钢用不定型耐火材料、定型耐火材料、粉体保护渣、预熔中空颗粒保护渣等共计近百个品种的生产能力。Our company can make near one hundred kinds of products of shaped refractory and unshaped refractory for making iron and making steel, and flux powder.

它是制造生产不定型耐火材料的理想原料,制品用于炼钢平炉,电炉炉底和捣打炉衬。It is an ideal material for unshaped refractory material, the final products are used in open hearth furnace, eletric furnace bottom and furnace's lining tamping.

以优质煤为原料,用水蒸汽法生产的不定型活性炭,具有一定抗压强度,易再生。Unshaped active carbon produced through water steaming method with qualified coal as raw material. The products of these are easy in reproduction and strong against pressing.

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概述了近年来定型和不定型耐火材料的总体发展趋势和新技术,为耐火材料的研究和使用提供参考。General development tendency and new technology of shaped and unshaped refractory have been summarized recently. It provides reference for researching and using of refractory.

它是制砖及生产不定型耐火材料的原料,成品用于炼钢、电炉炉底和捣打炉。Calcining in kiln It is an ideal materials for make bricks and unshaped refractory materials, the end products are used in electric furnace bottom and furnace's lining for ramming.

不整形圆木小住宅建筑的墙体断面构造形式采用V字形凹槽,适宜现场手工加工,加快了施工进度,墙体稳定性好,抗震能力强。Small unshaped log residence of V-shaped wall cross section, which is fit for manual-making on site, can accelerate construction speed and has a good wall stability and seismic resistance.

这个国家为经济付出的代价——未加限制的全球变暖会在本世纪中期变得很严重,除非我们现在就采取行动,要求大量减少温室气体的排放。Economic caused in costs to this country of unshaped unchecked global warming will be grievous by mid-century unless we act now to mandate significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

主要生产粉末冶金制品、还原铁粉、耐火罐、金属锶、粘土质和高铝质耐火砖、轻质耐火砖、不定型耐火材料。Our main products are reduced iron powder products, reduced iron powder, fire clay pot , Metal Sr, fire clay bricks, high-alumina bricks, acid-proof bricks, other unshaped refractory materials.

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随着国际、国内耐火材料节能减排,高效、降低生产成本等市场需求,不定形耐火材料市场需求量快速发展。With international and domestic emission reduction refractories energy, high efficiency, reduce production costs such as market demand, unshaped refractories market demand for rapid development.