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主教早已叫人把那些铁件取去了。The Bishop had had all this ironwork removed.

铁艺饰件为房子略添雅致。The ornamental ironwork lends a touch of elegance to the house.

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健之素对铁制品表现不同,有的轻,有的很严重。Its effect is different on the ironwork in Jianzhixu, some is slight, the other is serious.

柯林斯踏上富丽堂皇的铁栏阶梯,按了门铃,一个满面春风的黑人侍女把他领了进去。Collins went up the magnificent ironwork stairway, rang the Bell, and was admitted by a cheerful black maid.

餐厅虽然只有大门还保留着中世纪的铁门风格,但它却是尚存最早的学院建筑。The hall is the oldest surviving college building, though only the door preserves its magnificent medieval ironwork.

她坐的那个金属摇椅,是在生我之前就有了的,铺着橄榄绿的坐垫,还有带花纹的铸铁扶手。She was in the metal rocking chair she’d had since before I was born, olive-green seat cushions and floral ironwork along the arms.

主教早已叫人把那些铁件取去了,因而那扇门,无论昼夜,都只用一个活梢扣着。The Bishop had had all this ironwork removed, and this door was never fastened, either by night or by day, with anything except the latch.

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多亏顾客寻求定制铁制品艺术的需求,这个产业正经历文艺复兴。The Blacksmithing industry is going through something of a renaissance, thanks to demand from patrons looking for custom-made ironwork and art.

室内部分,房间和会客区保留了原来的石墙,地板、瓦片、木工和铁制品相结合,使整个空间显得十分开阔。Inside, the rooms and guest areas retain the existing stonewalls while the flooring, tiles, woodwork and ironwork combine to give a sense of spaciousness.

接着到了1966年,博物馆新建了弗里达希夫沃伯格纪念雕塑园来展出其中约200件用石料、红土和铁块制成的作品。Then, in 1966, the museum built the Frieda Schiff Warburg Memorial Sculpture Garden to display roughly 200 pieces of stone carving, terra cotta, and ironwork.

建筑的格子的部分灵感来源于美国的南方腹部黑人劳动者的铁制品,但是他依然形成了方平组织图案的传统。The building's latticework is inspired in part by the ironwork of Black laborers in the Deep South, but it also conjures up images of basket weaving traditions.