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腾跃以腾跃姿势跳跃…To leap in a curvet.

1960年是一个闰年,我还只是一个有点儿笨拙和莽撞的少女,还在为彼得潘的故事所吸引。It was a leap year. 1960.

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为什么要有闰年?Why do we have a leap year?

你是平年出生的吗?Were you born on a leap year?

先学爬,后学跳。Learn to creep before you leap.

学跳之前要先会爬。You should creep before you leap.

每个闰年二月有二十九天。And twenty-nine on each Leap Year.

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不过闰秒是个新事物。But the leap second is a newcomer.

那就好好享受除夕夜的闰秒吧。Enjoy New Year’s Eve’s leap second.

他绷紧肌肉准备跳跃。He tensed his muscles for the leap.

他拉紧了他的肌肉准备跳跃。He tensed his muscles for the leap.

再者,这些媒体跳到前线了。Moreover, these media leap frontiers.

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为什么世界需要闰秒?Why does the world need leap seconds?

我跳入测不准原理。I leap into the uncertainty principle.

跳过小溪,到我们这儿来。Leap across the brook, and come to us.

男孩一跃跳过了篱笆。The boy cleared the fence in one leap.

她一跃跳过大门。He vaulted over the gate at a single leap.

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巨蟒血液促进科学的“巨大飞跃”Python Blood Leads to "Big Leap" in Science

为了挑得更远,必须暂且退后。One must draw back in order to leap further.

即便是很狡猾的月亮,也会跳到那张even the wily moon will leap to that bobbing