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是的。这真是一个滑稽的乞丐!Yes, what a funny bagger he is.

当然啦,他是一个著名的乞丐。Sure he is. He is a famous bagger.

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裱子,大叫吧,大喊吧,你就是人群中的一个乞丐。Bitch yell it out, shout it out, you are a bagger in the crowd.

作为回报,乞丐作了倒立,并唱起了歌。In return for this, the bagger stood on his head and sang songs.

我为这个乞丐颇有好感,就给了他一瓶啤酒。I was happy with this bagger so I was glad to give him a bottle of beer.

你上次跟超市里的装袋工说谢谢是什么时候?When is the last time you said “Thank you” to the bagger at the supermarket?

“你好,凯特!”我指着那个乞丐说道,“那个男人是谁?你认识他吗?”"Hello, Kate! Who's that man, do you know him?" I pointed to the bagger and said.

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当然啦,他是一个著名的乞丐。他每个月对每户人家访问一次的。Sure he is. He is a famous bagger. He calls at every house in the street once a month.

他们会接受一个口袋鼓鼓囊囊、衣服皱皱巴巴、松松垮垮的人的几句赞誉之辞吗?Will they accept these few words of tribute from a pocket-stuffer, a rumpler and crumpler, a bagger?

对方告诉我说他叫约翰尼,在那家连锁超市的一家店里当装袋员。The person on the line told me that his name was Joh y and that he was a bagger in one of the stores.

对方告诉我说他叫约翰尼,在那家连锁超市的一家店里当装袋员。The person on the line told me that his name was Johnny and that he was a bagger in one of the stores.

介绍了在杨柳堤吹填施工中采用小型泥浆泵机组与挖泥船相结合的施工方案。The construction scheme which combined a small bailer unit with a bagger in filling Yangliu dyke was adopted.

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如果你的院子足够大,就需要使用割草机的上的收集箱,或者至少把割下来的草集中成一堆。If you have a small enough yard use a bagger attachment for your mower or at least rake up the clippings after.

找到最近的打包工,告诉他们你正搬家,或至少在“最近的未来”露营在他们的草坪上。Find the nearest Bagger and tell them you are moving in with them or at least camping on their lawn for the "immediate future".

第二,尽管乞丐一天没有讨够钱会被暴打,但是除了让政府部门处理我们别无他法。Second, even though the bagger will be violently doze if they don't beg enough money a day, there is nothing we can do, but let the government to deal with it.

它结合了既定的最高境界,新的C1巴格尔多头秤,安装在巴格尔本身没有要求支持龙门,从而减少了地面空间的要求。It combines the established Zenith bagger and new C1 multihead weigher , mounted on the bagger itself with no requirement for a supporting gantry, thereby reducing floor space requirements.