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我和你,不可以做朋友吗?Tú y yo, no amigos?

恩。我爱你,我的老婆!TU . I love you, my wife!

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希望我能戒得掉你。I wish i knew how tu quit you.

在你的生涯外有特殊的己吗?Hay alguien especial en tu vida?

屠呦呦获奖因为她的三个“第一”。Tu got the award for three "firsts".

吐谷浑的首领阿豺有二十个儿子。A'cai, chief of Tu Gu Hun, had 20 sons.

我要是你,我就不会担心。Si yo estuviera en tu lugar no me preocuparía.

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你在巴塞罗那干什么工作?安娜—劳拉问道。Y tú qué haces en Barcelona, Ana? —dice Laura.

那这滴水之恩指的是什么呢?On the TU that this refers to water what is it?

我个人认为雀巢的能恩比较好。I personally think that Nestle energy TU better.

恩。我不会让你失望的!我是爱你的!TU . I will not let you disappointed! I love you!

恩。我为我早上的混账话为你道歉!TU. I impudent remark morning so I apologize for!

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亲爱的,我只想告诉你我的想法。I'm just trying tu put my feelings ito words, honey.

敌人一定是用生化战场激活码他来挖地洞。The enemy must've been using it to dig their tu els.

临时性的修理可涂些湿泥或软肥皂。Tu temporary repairs can be more Shini or soft soap.

平涂是一种画面的颜色的处理方式。Ping Tu is a coloring technique in painting practice.

土族、撒拉族是青海省特有的少数民族。Tu and Sala are the extra minority of QingHai province.

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那你一定喜欢魔术师约翰逊和拉里伯德了。Entonces tu ídolo pasaba por Magic Johnson o Larry Bird.

选择如何去度过每一个日子,这是我的工作。My job is to choose what kind of day I am going tu have.

她将捍卫她的论文对周一4月22日在杜叶锡恩代尔夫特。She will defend her thesis on Monday 22 April at TU Delft.