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她是他们吵架的煽动者。She was the instigator of their quarrel.

主动去做你想要的改变。Be the instigator of the change you want to see.

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在刑法理论中,通常将教唆犯作为共犯的一种类型加以探究。It is not a and differs from instigator in nature.

打呵欠最关键的诱因就是大脑的温度。The key yawn instigator appears to be brain temperature.

我觉得肇事者在某一层面同时也是受害者。I think there is always a duality of a victim within the instigator.

深圳警方透露,这是一个可能非常凶残的要案主凶。Shenzhen police, this is a very heinous cases might chief instigator.

经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。By inquest , he fessed that he was the chief instigator of this crime group.

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作为昔日的战争发动者、罪行实施者,日本能否真正承担起历史责任?Will Japan shoulder its historic responsibility as war instigator and criminal?

因为石头的静默令挑衅生事者无从入手。Because rock keeps silence which makes instigator don't know what to do with it.

第二部分大陆法系有关教唆犯的共同犯罪理论。The second section is concerned with joint crime theory related to the instigator in Civil Law.

只有“天”才是主谋者,人即便有错也应该责怪天,而不应是责罚人。Heaven is the real chief instigator. Heaven should be blamed for human's fault, instead of human.

阿泰斯特一直认为这一切都是拜华莱士所赐,而周五这场比赛是两人自斗殴事件以来第一次于球场上碰面。Artest still considers Wallace the instigator and the two met Friday in a game for the first time since the brawl.

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但他11岁的儿子亨利却是个地道的魔戒迷,就是他煽动莫腾森接演了这个角色。It was Mortensen's 11 year old son Henry who was the chief instigator in convincing Mortensen to sign on as Aragorn.

他们创造了环境,他们说是不能容忍的,并指责他们的合作伙伴被指使的。They have created the environment that they say is intolerable, and accuse their partner of being the instigator of it.

这些警察是否计划着在上海夜店中将疑似华尔街运动煽动者的人控制起来?我们不得而知。It's unclear what the cops planned to had they happened to corner a Wall Street rally instigator at a Shanghai nightspot.

其基本类型包括片面帮助犯、片面教唆犯、片面实行犯。The basic types of one-sided accomplice include one-sided to help offenders and one-sided instigator and one-sided implementation of guilty.

对独立教唆犯,中外刑法理论上称之为“教唆未遂”。The independent instigator is namely what is regarded as "attempted instigation" acceptedly by ChineseForeign traditional theory of criminal law.

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埃默里洛文斯是落基山研究所的创办者,也是转化能源与汽车行业的首创思想的策划者。Amory Lovins is cofounder of the Rocky Mountain Institute and the instigator of ingenious ideas to transform the energy and automobile industries.

在调用关闭程序前,计算机将把紧急情况触发模块装入内核,并调用震动检测程序。Prior to the call for power off, the machine will load the panic instigator module into the kernel, and the shake detection routine will be called.

我们在交通事故的处理中不应承认所谓的共同过失犯罪、过失教唆犯以及监督过失。We should not admit the joint offense though negligence, instigator through negligent and supervision offense in the disposition of traffic accidents.