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珀普康恩是对的。Popcorn is right.

我不喜欢玉米花。I don't like popcorn.

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让我们来“爆”米花。Let's get popcorn ready.

你尝起来像爆米花。You tasted like popcorn.

我可以吃些苞米花吗?Could I have some popcorn?

在爆米花上放盐。And put salt on the popcorn.

要是我被爆米花噎住了呢?。What if I choke on my popcorn?

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看一场电影,你会吃一桶爆米花。And at a movie you have popcorn.

幸福就是,微波炉里的爆米花。Happiness is microwaved popcorn.

躺在沙发上就着玉米花看一部电影Popcorn and an old movie on DVD.

买爆米花和可乐,笑翻天。Buy popcorn and cola, Xiaofantian.

我要一大盒奶油爆玉米花。I'd like a large popcorn with butter.

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抱歉爆玉米花卖完了。I'm sorry, we're fresh out of popcorn.

我要一个中号爆米花和一个大杯可乐。I’d like a medium popcorn and large Coke.

我要一个中号爆米花和一个大杯咖啡。I’d like a medium popcorn and large coke.

我记忆最深的就是爆米花和爆玉米花。I remember most is the popcorn and popcorn.

阿里克斯把爆米花撒得满地毯都是!Alex is getting popcorn all over the carpet!

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卡尔撕开了一包那种便携装的爆玉米花。Cal ripped open a bag of that smart popcorn.

没人会喜欢冰冷的、海绵似的、不新鲜的爆米花。Nobody likes cold, spongy, week-old popcorn.

墨西哥的一种用玉米做的食物,如图。Ask them to put a nacho cheese on the popcorn.