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他买了那块地产以及上面的所有东西。He bought the estate and all the appurtenances.

放眼望去也不见警卫或其它权力标属。There were no visible guards or other appurtenances of power.

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为做灯台和一切用具,用了一塔冷通纯金。A talent of pure gold was used for the lampstand and its various appurtenances.

从空中传送系统送来主体,从其他地方送来各种装配件。From one overhead conveyor system comes the main body, and from others come various appurtenances.

本机床有较齐全的标准附件和特殊附件供用户选择。This tool has complete normative appurtenances and especially appurtenances for consumer's choices.

这种规定涵盖用于PVC或CPVC系统的特殊工程连接件或附属部件。This specification covers special engineered fittings or appurtenances for use in PVC or CPVC systems.

每个过滤器都配备必要的附件用于正常的或连续的或自动的操作运行。Each filter is equipped with all the necessary appurtenances for normal, continuous, automatic operation.

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交通标志是交通安全设施的一种,合理地设置标志有利于交通安全。Traffic sign is a kind of road safety appurtenances . Rational layout of the sign is beneficial to mad safety.

交通标志是交通安全设施的一种,合理地设置标志有利于交通安全。Traffic sign is a kind of road safety appurtenances. Rational layout of the sign is beneficial to road safety.

道路工程是满足整理区生产和生活需要而建设的田间道路、生产路以及相配套的农桥等工程系统。Irrigation and drainage engineering can be built for agriculture needs which included irrigation projects, drainage works and their appurtenances.

农田水利工程是根据项目区农业生产需要而建设的灌溉与排水工程及其附属设施系统。Irrigation and drainage engineering can be built for agriculture needs which included irrigation projects, drainage works and their appurtenances.

压力容器及其相关的附件的设计是各种工艺装置的主要组成部分,其使用条件较为苛刻。The design of the pressure vessels and equipment appurtenances is the main component of sorts of units, and the using condition is also very rigour.

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它是由主机,CNC,驱动装置,数控机床的辅助装置,编程机及其他一些附属设备所组成。It is by the main engine, CNC, the drive, the numerical control engine bed auxiliary unit, the programming machine and other some appurtenances is composed.

我们生活的现代世界是这样一个世界,我们的生活越来越多地由塑料和金属附属物,混凝土和玻璃,尤其是稀土所塑造。Our modern world is one in which we find our lives shaped increasingly by appurtenances of plastic and metal, concrete and glass, and—apparently too—rare earths.

若有人不从则会被支配去河床铺石,并受到,切去身体某部分的惩罚,圣经反复警告,偶像和它的宗教附属物必须,完全从圣地上销毁?Offenders are subject to stoning and the divine penalty of chirate, of cutting off. The Bible repeatedly warns that idols and their cultic appurtenances must be completely destroyed from the Holy Land, right?