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诺尔细节时,将给予你赢了。Nore details will be given when you win.

不要怕去尝试你以前不敢啃的骨头。Don't be afraid to bite off nore than you can chew.

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以前我很喜欢园艺,现在一点儿也不喜欢。I used to enjoy gardening, but I don't like it any nore.

晴朗的天气比阴沉的天气更易让人们感觉心情愉快。People often feel nore cheerful on a sunny day than on a gloomy one.

我们还是要保险些,多带点钱以备不时之需。Let's be on the safe side and take nore money than we think we'll need.

希望你能推动更多身边的人一起爱杰伦,永远支持他,谢谢!I hope you can let nore and more people to love JAY and support him forever, thank you!

希望海外的朋友能推动更多身边的人一起爱杰伦,永远支持他。I hope you can let nore and more people to love JAY and support him forever , thank you !

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我的周围是无边的黑暗,但是我并不孤独,也不绝望。Although it is darkness around me, I have not felt lonely, nore have I ever given up hope.

更多的数以百万计的人则因为这种病而忍受着失聪、大脑损伤或其他问题。Millions nore suffer hearing loss, brain damage or other disabilities as a result of the disease.

机械连接和钎焊连接两种复合挺柱,后者的连接可靠性较高。Between the mechanical connection and the soldered connection two manners, the latter one is nore reliable.

而由于无机非线性光学材料在其性质上的一些局限,使得人们把注意力逐渐转移到有机材料方面。And because of some disadvantages of inorganic NLO, more and nore people Divert their attention to organic NLO.

总之,我们应该意识到,没有任何东西比健康重要,健康是成功的基础。In conclusion, we should be aware that nothing is nore valuable than health, which is the foundation of one's success.

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蓝牙作为无线通信领域的代表技术,得到了越来越广泛的应用。Bluetooth as a representative technology of the field of wireless communications, have been more and nore widely applied.

世间最可怕的莫过于一颗破碎的心陷入新的无助与虚妄,然而,这就是为珍爱的一线曙光与真情付出。No place is nore terrible than the hopeless emptiness of a broken heart, yet for many it is the price to py for a glimpse of true love.

目前,基于业务服务设计面向服务环境下的事件通知服务的工作还很少。Although the notification service is studied extensively, the counterpart based on business services is still often misunderstood, and no nore work has been done.

简要介绍了计算机作战模拟的发展历程,重点介绍了分布交互仿真的特点、应用及主要关键技术,阐述了发展潜艇DIS的有关问题。This paper introduces the history of computer combat simulation, and the characteristics, the applications, and the main technology of DIS are given nore descriptions.