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他帮小猫做了一双靴子。He makes Puss a pair of boots.

穿靴猫一时惊吓不已。Puss was startled for a moment.

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小猫放了一些红萝卜进袋子里。Puss puts some carrots in the bag.

“请把你的袋子给我”,小猫说。"Please give me your bag , "says Puss.

猫吓得呆在角落里直发抖。Puss came out of his corner, trembling.

最后,穿靴子的猫来到一座庄严地城堡。At last Puss in Boots arrived at a stately castle.

没人在乎你是谁,女里女气的男人。Nobody gives a horse's shit who you are, puss ball.

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在这里,普斯是一位亡命之徒,一位世界闻名的探险家。The Puss here is a swashbuckler, a world-renowned adventurer.

听见吊桥上车轮的声音,穿靴子的猫急忙跑了出来。Hearing the wheels on the drawbridge, Puss in Boots hastened out.

猫急忙用绳子将袋口系紧,抓到了这只兔子。Puss drew the strings quickly, and the fellow was caught safe and tight.

每个迷人的姑娘都清楚的知道想要成功的关键就是减少竞争。Every glamorous puss knows that lack of competition is the key to success.

影片中普斯得知魔法豆已经落入某些人之手。Puss learns about some people who have come into possession of magic beans.

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正当我换绷带时,脓血就开始渗出来!Even when I change the bandages, the blood and puss just start oozing through!

怪物尽一个怪物所能礼貌的接待了猫,并请他入座。The Ogre received Puss as civilly as an ogre could do and asked him to sit down.

第二天,这只猫在她的袋子里放了一把谷物,又去了田地。The next day Puss put a handful of grain into her uggs and went out to the fields.

这只黑白猫是自从韩弗里后,唐宁街出现的第一只猫居民。The black and white puss is the first cat to live at 10 Downing Street since Humphrey.

跟我在一起的只有小猫咪,因为它清楚故事中的理发师居住的地方。Only puss is allowed to come with me, for she knows where the barber in the story lives.

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化身为佐罗猫侠的普斯首次登场时被看作是一位不法之徒。Playing a feline version of Zorro, Puss is considered an outlaw when we first meet up with him.

他给家禽扔了一小撮谷物,给小猫放了一杯牛奶,给狗一根骨头。He threw a handful of corn to the fowls, and placed a cup of milk for puss. Then he gave the dog a bone.

有一天,穿靴子的猫对他的主人说,“如果您听取我的建议,您就发财了。Then one day Puss in Boots said to his master, "If you will only follow my advice, your fortune is made.