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这是一个道德问题吗?And is this an ethical issue?

孩之宝之外,还存在合乎良知的替代品。There are ethical alternatives.

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这是一个很严重的道德指责。And that's a serious ethical criticism.

这是个道德伦理问题,人们。And this is an ethical question, people.

什么是高斯美雅的采购准则?What is the Coles Myer Ethical Sourcing Code?

我也不认为这具有很重要的道德意义。And I don't see a lot of ethical significance.

阻止这些小广告的散布是道德的吗?Is it ethical to prohibit the delivery of spam?

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这些是有待解决的棘手的道德问题。These are knotty ethical question to be solved.

而这是否会成为我对一杯咖啡出于道德的选择呢?So would this be my about-town cup of ethical choice?

我指出这种分发拷贝的行为是不道德的。I pointed out that distributing the copy was not ethical.

不管在哪种道德标准下,诺伊尔的所作所为都是错误的。By any normal ethical standards, what Neuer did was wrong.

还有其他道德上的问题,让我引用一个例子。Other ethical issues, let me cite one that comes in light.

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第五章当代中国家庭道德的教育。The last chapter is The Family Ethical Education In China.

我们以高标准的道德行为律己。We demand of ourselves high standards of ethical behavior.

如果这是真的,那就真的在道德上陷入两难的境地。If that's true, that would add a whole new ethical quandary.

何春蕤是位勇气十足、道德感强烈的学者和作家。Josephine Ho is a courageous and ethical scholar and writer.

认识和解决道德上的两难问题的程序。The Processes for Recognizing and Resolving Ethical Dilemmas.

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从道义上来讲,没有人有权利用吓唬孩子的方式来赚钱。There is no ethical right to frighten children to make a buck.

而反全球化运动的道德理据又在那里?What are the ethical bases of the anti-globalization movement?

简言之,它们会比人类做出更恰当的道德判断。In short, they might make better ethical decisions than people.