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丁克家庭指双收入无子女家庭。DINK means double incomes no kids.

他过去常用自行车带他儿子上学。He used to dink his son to school.

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现在许多家庭都选择丁克方式。Many people choose a DINK family now.

大多数丁克家庭的收入增加了。Most DINK families have higher income.

丁克家庭就是指双收入没有孩子的家庭。DINK family means a "Double Income No Kids" family.

大城市里“丁克”家庭越来越多。There are more and more DINK families in big cities.

所以我们认为,“丁客家族”趋势是一个好的现象。So, we think that the DINK trend is a good phenomenon.

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我是丁克一族,不过我暗里里有点想养条狗,做个“丁狗族”。I'm one half of a DINK but I secretly wish to be a DINKWAD.

丁克家庭是指有双份工资然则没有孩子的家庭。DINK families refer to families that have dual income and no kids.

近年来,在大城市出现了很多丁克家庭。In recent years, many DINK families have come forth in big cities.

超过四分之一的受访者表示想做“丁克族”。More than a quarter of respondents would opt for a "DINK" lifestyle.

作为一个年轻人,我站在他们这一边,支持成为丁克族的想法。As a young person, I stand on their side, supporting their idea to be a dink.

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如果他们坚信独生子女政策,将会有越来越多的丁克。If they firmly believe one-child policy, there will be more and more the dink.

如今人们活在巨大的压力下,越来越多的年轻人有想法成为丁克族。As people are under great pressure, more young people have the idea to be a dink.

我们不在时尚的前线上,对丁克家庭不感兴趣。We are not in front-line of vogue, and we are not interested in the DINK family style.

“我的电脑里载满了仇恨和威胁的句子,”丁克在专栏中写道。My computer's memory is loaded with sentences full of hatred and threats, ' Dink wrote.

那些选择丁克家庭的人们,与其父辈相比较,更加重视与配偶之间的关系。People who choose DINK cherish their relationship with their spouses more than parenthood.

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红军队长在比赛20分钟时用一记精彩吊射为球队首开纪录。The skipper opened the scoring with a beautifully worked dink over the keeper on 20 minutes.

这会引起种种尴尬的现象,来自丁克家庭的简就是一个例子。This can give rise to embarrassing situations, as it did in the case of Jane who came from a DINK family.

传统家庭考虑到责任或义务等类似的事情而不能接受丁克家庭。Traditional families can't accept a DINK family considering responsibility, obligation and things like that.