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在左舷8海里外,遇到一艘对开的集装箱船。Met with a containership in the opposite course 8 miles off the port side.

在电子计算机详细计算的基础上所得结果用来分析集装箱船的方形系数。The results based on deal of calculation with computers are used to analyse block coefficient of containership.

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本文对集装箱船建造市场复苏的原因进行了详细的分析。The detailed analysis is presented on the reason of the recovery of the containership newbuilding market in this paper.

研究中建立全船有限元模型,用来分析波浪诱导载荷,计算船体结构应力水平等。The global finite element model of the containership is established to calculate wave-induced load and global strength.

最后,本文提出一个简单的方形系数公式,此式可应用于集装箱船的初步设计阶段。Finally, a simple block coefficient formula is given, which may be used in the containership design at preliminary stage.

随著国际海上运输之货柜化以及货柜船舶之大型化,区域港埠间之竞争也就愈显激烈。Due to the containerization of international sea transportation and the uprising containership size, the inter-port competition is getting intensive.

文中介绍了集装箱船中剖面生成基于知识的计算机辅助设计系统,及其基本原理。The paper described a knowledge-based CAD system for the generation of containership midship sections, its principles and the process of its development.

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尽管片断被独立的存储,但是在逻辑容器和名称空间方面,它还是完全依赖所属的逻辑单元。Although a Fragment is persisted independently, in terms of logical containership and namespace, it is still fully dependent upon the LU to which it belongs

在上一个十年之中,全世界集装箱船队的所有权情况有了很大的改变,期租部分所占的份额有了很大的增长。The past decade has seen some significant changes in the ownership of the world containership fleet and the time charter component has become increasingly important.

在全集装箱船诞生以来的近四十年的时期内,集装箱船舶发展的最明显特征就是大型化。In the past forty years since the full cellular container ship occurred, the most obvious characteristic of the development of the containership has been larger and larger in size.